• Camera Equipment,  Fujifilm X-T10,  Photography

    Film Simulation

    Cone Flowers
    Cone Flowers

    I have been shooting almost exclusively in jpeg format for over a year now after buying the Fujifilm X-E1. I find the quality of the jpeg files to be all that I needed and my post processing time go way down. However, if I come upon a situation where I want a raw file I simple press a function button and changed it to capture images in raw plus jpeg.

    I recently upgraded to the Fuji X-T10 for the improved focus system and because the dang thing was “cool” looking. And, as we all know, cool makes you a better photographer. I am shooting in jpeg with this camera also. It is easy  to setup the X-T10 to use one of the 7 function buttons to allow me to quickly change to raw and jpeg. I was able to do the same with the X-E1 but with only one function button. More bells on this model. I can also do this with the Q menu.

    Anyway the focus of this post is about the film simulation of jpeg files. Since I’m primarily working with jpeg files I’ve set BKT 2 on my Drive Dial for film simulation.  When bracketing in film simulation, one exposure is made then 3 files are output each with the film simulation I choose from the available eleven. I currently have it set for Provia, Velvia and Astia. So when I come across a situation I’m not sure about, or just for the fun of it, I switch to BKT2. As long as I’ve exposed properly, I will have three images to choose from.

  • architecture,  Art/Design,  Travel

    Room 265

    Room 265

    This is a familiar scene for those who travel and stay in hotel rooms. The number will change from night to night but the scene is almost the same. My work as a flight attendant, has required me to sleep in hotel rooms somewhere between 10-13 nights a month. There have been times when I’ve awoken at night completely disoriented as to where I am. I have also stepped out of my room looking right then left, not sure which direction is the lobby. And, there have been many times I needed to look at my key to remember which room I was in. Those moments happen less and less as I accept this nomadic life.

    While shooting film I was not one of those photographers who wrote down important information so when the slides came back I would find myself disoriented. I may like an image but I did not know what shutter speed I used or what aperture I used. I was bracketing almost everything looking for one good image and hopefully a few compliments to boost my ego. With the advent of the digital age and all the information we have immediately, I’m not so disoriented anymore. I no longer wonder what aperture or shutter speed I used. I can adjust right there and take another image. I’ve also learned to use those tools to create the images I want.

    However, I must admit that every once in a while I still get disoriented in the field and have been known take a longer route back to my car and not by choice. 🙂 I took this image after I had stepped out of my hotel room to take my camera for a walk and looked both ways to orient myself. I giggled to my self and thought why not take a photo. So, this is really nothing more than a snapshot. I do hope you have a wonderful day and don’t get lost!