• Art,  quotes,  street photography

    The Meaning of Life

    BirdsEye mural by Ren Burke

    I think “the meaning of life” is something we have to formulate for ourselves, we have to determine what has meaning for us… It clearly has to do with love — what and whom and how one can love.

    Oliver Sacks

    We had another beautiful day yesterday, beginning with an orange sunrise then blue skies and sunshine. In the afternoon I headed to Old Town to walk the streets with my camera. I found a few images then did some journaling at Starry Night, enjoying an Earl Grey Tea. I believe so deeply in what Oliver Sacks suggests that the meaning of life is about love. So today I ask myself what and whom and how I can love.

    In 2004 as a collaboration between the City of Fort Collins Art in Public Places Program and Utilities Light and Power created The Transformer Cabinet Mural Project. Serving as a graffiti abatement program, the murals help lower maintenance costs while adding bright colorful art in unexpected places. The program also helps keep the investment local by utilizing local artists and non-profit groups to paint the cabinets. Since the start of the program, 20 years now, over 400 transformer cabinets have been transformed into works of art.

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  storm clouds

    And then it rained…

    On Wednesday morning, Geri mentioned in her comments that we have “amazing morning clouds down there.” I agree but I also think we have some amazing afternoon/evening clouds as well. The sky looked to be building up to the northwest so I felt a drive east into Weld County was needed. I got to watch a couple storms built up along the Front Range then move southeast. Clouds are a favorite subject of mine so I guess you could say I live in a wonderful place to photograph them.

    This second image was taken 30 minutes later and much further south. And, look how tall the corn is, 6 feet. The storm was approaching the city of Fort Collins, eventually dumping some heavy rains over the city then moving south/southeast. As I mentioned we had rain about 2:00 am and then again later in the afternoon. The Fort Collins Flood Warning map shows we had 1.5 inches in a 24 hour period with the two storms. And then last night I again watched as lightning flashed in my room and thunder boomed while rain pounded on my bedroom window. Not sure how much rain that brought. At the present we have clear blue skies and sunshine. I’ll take it. Have a wonderful Friday and be safe! ❤️

  • coffee life,  coffee shops


    I met a friend Friday morning for coffee and conversation. The couple I visited this past week are mutual friends so plenty to share. As you can tell my barista was showing off her talent on my mocha latte.

    Yesterday was the Tour de Fat in Fort Collins. It is a costumed bicycle parade followed by a party (beer) at New Belgium Brewing with music, entertainment, contests and games. What is cool about this bicycle parade is the children who dress up and ride with mom and dad. Needless to say I saw some very strange people riding bicycles. 😂

  • Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  People/Portraits,  quotes

    I’m okay with that…

    Ice skating in Old Town

    “To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.”

    William James

    Even at my age and with the knowledge that fears are mostly bogeymen, they still creep in. Some fears seem quite easy to overcome and face while others can paralyze me. I like how James suggests that we be willing to change our belief system. Seems to be a lifelong process of willingness and I’m okay with that.

  • architecture,  Documentary/Street

    Zig Zaggy

    This image is a “zig zaggy” alley behind a building in Old Town. What you see in the center is a mural on this massive wall depicting people from the town: local celebrities, local entertainers and more. The glare distorts the mural and along with the dark shadows gives it a mysterious feel. I thought it was a good scene given to me to enjoy and hoping you would also.

  • architecture,  Cityscapes/Urban,  lifestyles,  window

    An evening in Old Town


    The lights of Old Town bring people together in one of the restaurants

    Took the bus to Old Town the other night and walked around with my camera. This is not all that sharp as I was hand holding it. You can see on the left side of the image how the lights are lit up in town. I will try and take a few images of the lights during this Christmas season. It was a bit on the cold side and thus the reason no one was sitting outside and I’ll blame that for the blurr, also.