• Avian,  nature,  quotes

    I hope so!!

    Western Kingbird – June 2023

    The American people may solve their problems themselves, and so save the world a catastrophe, but not by insisting that the government do their work for them. No man will ever be whole and dignified and free except in the knowledge that the men around him are whole and dignified and free, and that the world itself is free of contempt and misuse.

    Wendell Berry, Hidden Wound

    Spending time in nature has taught me how birds embrace freedom. The life of this Western Kingbird is not without peril, requiring a constant alertness or its life can end quickly in the talons of some raptor. But, I’m not sure they worry about the price of gas or a quart of milk, or increases in property taxes and insurance, or the prison of their corporate lives. And there seems to be no indication they feel more dignified or less dignified than their neighbor. They perch on the same barbed wire fence and pursue the same insects as all their neighbors. I seriously doubt it’s concerned if its song of repeated bursts of “chits” and chattering is more enjoyable, or less, than the meadowlarks or the magpies. It seems they sing from a heart that is free of its role in the contempt and misuse of the world. I desire to think it’s a song of joy, wonder, pleasure, trust or hope! At least I hope so!!

  • coffee life,  quotes

    Extraordinary Freedom

    The range of the human mind, the scale and depth of the metaphors the mind is capable of manufacturing as it grapples with the universe, stand in stunning contrast to the belief that there is only one reality, which is man’s, or worse, that only one culture among the many on earth possesses the truth. To allow mystery, which is to say to yourself, “There could be more, there could be things we don’t understand,” is not to damn knowledge. It is to take a wider view. It is to permit yourself an extraordinary freedom: someone else does not have to be wrong in order that you may be right.

    Barry Lopez

    I’m about to push publish as I sit on my porch watching flashes of lightning and listening to thunder. We are receiving the gift of a refreshing and much needed rain. I watch and listen with a feeling of gratitude as it’s been hot and dry here. Hope you are enjoying your Friday! I started my day with the above Americano. And, Mr Barry López is spot on!

  • Avian

    Let your creative spirit flow…

    Out of the corner of my eye a blurr swooped by my bedroom window, wings and feathers floating through the air. It was two birds, this red-tailed hawk and a flicker. The hawk was trying to land on the handicapped parking sign with prey in its talons. The next thing I knew the flicker was flying away, more feathers were drifting through the air and the hawk was now standing on the ground with a disgusted look. I stepped outside on the porch and watched as it hung around for several minutes then perched on the sign to gather itself together. I finally decided to go get my camera and was able to get a few images. It stayed around for over 30 minutes. Have a super day!

    Side Note: A hawk is a symbol of freedom and flight. The meaning of seeing a hawk symbolizes a creative being. Encountering a hawk means you should let your creative spirit flow. It can be through music or poetry or other creative talents.

  • Avian,  quotes


    It is preoccupation with possessions,– more than anything else —  that prevents us from living freely and nobly. 

    Bertrand Russell

    Wonder if the freedom from possessions is why birds enjoy singing, everyday.