I decided to go on a walk to reservoir Ridge Natural Area with my older Fujifilm kit, taking the X-T10 and the XF 18-55mm f2.8-4.0. I needed to get in my steps and wanted to enjoy the beautiful evening. I chose the lighter kit because I wanted to carry less. I was surprised at the experience I had using my older camera. Embarrassingly, I’d forgotten how to use it and at times I was quite awkward, clumsy and confused. Found myself talking to myself, saying things like: Now why is it doing that? That’s not what I wanted. Dammit! Okay what did I do now? Sh*t! Spent way too much time fiddling with and talking to the camera. But so enjoyed laughing at and with myself.
Anyway, I became aware of just how much progress had been made with the technology in the three and a half years from the introduction of the X-T10 to the X-T3. I quickly noticed how much slower the X-T10 turn-on time was. Then I noticed how much improvement there was in the focusing ability. The X-T10 was way behind in that area. Another surprise was the weight difference. For me the six ounce difference and overall physical size were much more comfortable using the X-T3. That, or maybe I’ve just gotten used to it. Anyway the X-T10 still does a good job taking images as long as the photographer does their part. Well, it will remain my backup and I got my steps in while laughing at myself.