Dragons on Campus
Dragons at the Behavioral Science Building “Within the stillness of meditation we see the unreality of thought.” Jack Kornfield
It’s 10 degrees right now with about an inch of powdery snow and more to come. I took this image last week on campus. I’m a supporter of graffiti that can easily be removed.
Wall Graffiti
Colors and Patterns This is the side of a metal building someone has painted a mural on. It is massive in size and depicts a couple of hummingbirds that must be 10 feet tall. I am standing along the path leading to the bus stop and can’t step back any further. It was the abstract essence that called me when standing this close. Bright colors!
More bright colors and patterns -
Mr Lee’s
Skyline in the Alley
A Love Note
The defacing I posted a photo of this same dumpster on Apr 30th. I liked the bright pink and it has a powerful message with its color. Here is the another image taken 6 days later. As you can see, in less than a week, vandals, not artists, have disrespectfully scarred someone else’s property. Sad!