I was excited and proud when I heard that my oldest grandson, Daryian, was now a manager of his own PF Changs restaurant in Denver. However, I am going to confess that I also stepped into my fears and imagination as a grandpa. My first fear was for his safety in the big city. Next came the fear the store would fail, or they’d work him too long and hard, causing burnout, or having to handle difficult employees, or having a demanding manager above him. Then my imagination went the other way where the restaurant would be successful. He’d then permanently move to Denver, getting caught up in the success, venture into alcohol, drugs, and loose women. I wouldn’t be there to protect and guide him in any of this, as if I could. After a few deep breaths and some quiet time with prayer, meditation and my journaling, I was able to laugh at myself. What I learned from this is that as a grandparent it’s difficult to allow grandchildren the experiences and all the lessons they need in life to become healthy adults. We have no capacity to control another’s life or to interfere in their lives. I do wish him all the success he deserves. I couldn’t be a prouder grandpa! Congratulations Daryian!!!!
Grandma’s Hand
Grandma’s Hand I watched as grandma and grandpa kept an eye on this young child. They wanted to make sure he was safe. He was checking everything out as you can see in his eyes. I am making the assumption that he was with grandparents. It’s works for this image. Have a wonderful weekend and keep checking out all the world around you.