• Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  natural areas,  Plants,  quotes

    Great medicine

    The very meaning of Creation is seen to be an act of worship, a devoted proclamation of the splendour, the wonder, and the beauty of God. In this great Sanctus, all things justify their being and have their place.

    Evelyn Underhill

    Rain and more rain. Overcast skies and a fine mist seems to be the norm for the day. This image was taken yesterday afternoon on a walk at Arapaho Bend Natural Area. I believe this to be a Musk Thistle from my research on Dr. Google. There are an amazing varieties of thistle so how any scientist can differentiate them is beyond me. Anyway, it’s unpalatable to wildlife and livestock so they focus their foraging on other plants, which leaves the musk thistle to have an advantage over native meadows and grasslands. Thus it is considered an invasive plant. When I do the research most sites want to stress the plants invasiveness and how to control it. Most sites say that natural grasses will out compete them. Such a simple solution. For me I think it’s a beautiful plant among the grasses and does bring awe and wonder to my soul. Maybe that’s their place and justification for existence. I came home with muddy shoes, a few photos and a clearer head. Great medicine. Have a great day!

  • Avian,  meadowlark,  nature

    My Favorite Bird

    Western Meadowlarks seek the wide open spaces of native grasslands and agricultural fields for spring and summer breeding and winter foraging. I find them along the weedy sides of roads, marsh edges, and mountain meadows on the eastern plains and along the foothills. They seem to share the marshes with the red-winged and yellow breasted blackbirds. Which make sense as they are in the blackbird family. Since their diet consists mostly of insects and seeds they really are almost everywhere. As you can tell in this image this one has dinner already. They were perched on fence post as I drove along Weld County Rd. 15. Their song is my favorite of the song birds. It just resonates with me. I was surprised to hear it sing even with the worm in it’s bill. Again, have a super day!

  • grass,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  Plants,  poems,  poetry,  writing/reading

    A Poem and A Photograph

    Every day
          I see or hear
                      that more or less

    kills me
          with delight,
                that leaves me
                      like a needle

    in the haystack
          of light.
                It was what I was born for —
                      to look, to listen,

    to lose myself
          inside this soft world —
                to instruct myself
                      over and over

    in joy,
          and acclamation.
                Nor am I talking
                      about the exceptional,

    the fearful, the dreadful,
          the very extravagant —
                but of the ordinary,
                      the common, the very drab,

    the daily presentations.
          Oh, good scholar,
                I say to myself,
                      how can you help

    but grow wise
          with such teachings
                as these —
                      the untrimmable light

    of the world,
          the ocean’s shine,
                the prayers that are made
                      out of grass?

    Mindful by Mary Oliver
  • clouds,  grass,  landscape,  Plants,  sunsets

    Pink and Gold

    The most beautiful things in life are not things.
    They’re people and places and memories and pictures.
    They’re feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.


    I read yesterday something that resonated with me, “… nature heals. big time.” I know I go to nature for healing of many things. There is a solitude and silence there not found in the city. But the quote also caused me to reflect on things I do to help me move through any troubling state I can find myself in. When I feel anxious it’s time to walk or hike. When I’m angry or resentful I can let go of those thoughts by “taking a photograph.” When I get caught up in mental chatter I find relief through “meditation and quiet.” When confusion and the need for discernment ties me in knots then I can untangle myself through “journaling.” All of these simple things I can do at any place but nature is such a pull for me. Loved the gold and pink I found last night in these two images.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds


    Storm clouds in the south

    I enjoy the walking trail at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area because it is reasonably flat, has wide open vistas, lots of songbirds and healing silence. When I get to my rock-bench I usually find the silence I’m seeking. And, the silence I’m seeking is absence of manmade noise. I can sit there for 15 minutes with only the sounds of nature reaching my ears, which is music to my soul. Last Friday evening was one of those ever-so-silent times. Loved it. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July.

  • natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes

    Everything is Green

    Still green at Pineridge Natural Area

    I don’t write out of what I know; I write out of what I wonder. I think most artists create art in order to explore, not to give the answers. Poetry and art are not about answers to me; they are about questions.

    Lucille Clifton

    As of the first of May, Denver and the northern Front Range, have received about 7.5 inches of moisture. Everything’s so green. However, 60% of the rest of the state is still in a severe drought. They say that Colorado farmers can expect the driest year in the past 20 years. We have been hot and dry the last few days so this green will quickly go away. Loving it while we have it.

  • clouds,  Fujifilm X-T3,  grass,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  Soapstone Prairie Natural Area,  sunsets

    More Stars

    Setting sun at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area

    I made my first visit to the Soapstone Prairie Natural Area yesterday afternoon and evening. I have driven up to the gate before but it was late so I did not venture in. Well, last night was different and well worth the time and drive. The isolation, the quiet and all those birds captured me immediately.

    It is one of the Natural Areas maintained by the City of Fort Collins and includes over 28 square miles of wide open vistas, pristine grasslands, miles of trails and world-renowned cultural resources. The city has set it up to be an educational classroom for both young and adult. Excavations in the 1930s by the Smithsonian and Colorado Museum of Natural History conclusively dated human habitation in North America to at least 10,000 years ago and gave new insight into the Folsom culture. Needles, beads and stone tools were found, making the Lindenmeier site the most extensive Folsom culture campsite yet found. They have a herd of bison on over 1,000 acres of pasture but with no visitor access. However, I could see the herd when I drove in the gate with binoculars. It is a large area with no city lights so they have more stars out there. 😊 Another reason I’ll go back!