• architecture,  music

    The Studio

    The Studio

    I’m not musically inclined except in my imagination or in the shower and there is no need to prove it, just take my word for it. However, some people are musically inclined, they practice the craft and bring enjoyment to people. This image was taken at some friends home back in 2005. I liked how the room was set up and the light so I took several images. They have sat dormant until today when they caught my attention. Surprisingly I took 36 images but when post processing them I did very little. I converted one to black and white then left them alone. Again, this is another example of how we can be attracted to a scene, take the images and then later on be inspired to work on them. Anyway, here’s the studio.

    I’m off to the mountains to help a friend shoot a wedding today, near Estes Park. It will be a long day. Enjoy your Saturday.

  • Candid Portraits,  People/Portraits



    “I am always mentally photographing everything as practice.” – Minor White

    This image was taken at one of my favorite coffee hangouts. The young mans name is Dillon and works at the coffee shop as a barista. He is taking a break from steaming milk and pouring shots to practice for a few minutes. Now that is what we call dedication to his craft.

    And, sitting across from me is a young photographer named is Gayle who is working through the images from a photo shoot. She is a wife, a mother and a professional wedding, newborn, and children’s photographer. If we look around us we will see those who put in the time to hone their skills through dedication and practice. They’re everywhere.

  • Art/Design,  writing/reading

    Not a Rock Star


    Not a Rockstar
    Not a Rock Star

    I was either in grade school or junior high when I took guitar lessons, which was a long time ago. If I remember correctly it didn’t last too long. The cost was beginning to be prohibitive, I was starting to lust for an expensive electric guitar and my parents had had enough of my slow developing talent. So, I never made it as a rock star and that probably was good thing. 

    I will admit to enjoying it while it lasted and probably wasn’t too bad. I remember the pain of acquiring calluses on my fingers and wondering if my fingers would ever stretch to play some of those chords. Later on in high school I jammed with my best friend, Lyle, who was quite good at the guitar. Then sometime during my marriage, my wife wanted to take guitar lessons so a guitar was purchased.  I kept it after the divorce and would strum a few chords now and then. But, I never made it as a rock star and that probably was good thing. 

    Our newest roommate is learning to play the guitar. She reminds me of those early attempts, talking to myself when I screwed up while those around were listening and learning what patience really means. One day I picked up her guitar and strummed a few chords. Surprisingly I remembered some of those chords and I smiled. 🙂 However, my fingers quickly became tender and I remembered those feelings also.  Ya know, I never made it as a rock star and that probably was good thing.