This is the Lamy Logo fountain pen in a Pearl color, has a champagne look. I bought this pen because I liked it’s look and style. It comes in four colors. This Pearl and the Twilight are the ones I’m attracted to. It is a thin fountain pen, about the diameter of a pencil, and when posted about the length of a pencil. Bought this pen with a fine nib and glad I did as it puts down a line width that suits me. I find the nib to be scratchy as it works on the paper. And, it is one of the most consistent writers I own.
The journal is a Leuchttrum 1917, my first but not my last. I have for years used Moleskin journals but found issues with them when using fountain pens because of too much bleed through. This has not been an issue with the Leuchttrum journal. The Leuchttrum uses a heavier 80g paper. Due do the lighting in this image the paper is a bit more on the yellow side than the ivory color it really is.