• landscape,  sunrises

    The mystery of infinite possibilities

    If it is true that we are made out of love to be love then our possibilities can be infinite…


    I have always been an early riser but with aging and the shift in my circadian rhythm, I invariably rise before the sun rises. I’m okay with that. But, that also means I post a lot of sunrise images. It is in these hours of silence, solitude and fatigue that I am learning to fully listen to the voice of love within me. It even seems to be louder and more persistent as time goes on. I hope I’m not rattling people’s cages when talking about love in our current political environment of hatred, self-interest and chaos. Many are in a place of grief, fear, and dismay. I can find myself going there quickly but thankfully not camping there, finding more restful and peaceful places to live. Writing this out is one of my tools. The above quote rattled around in my head last night and would not let me go back to sleep until I got up and wrote it down. I am at a place where possibilities are beyond and greater than my imagination, and maybe yours, also. I find myself full of questions and almost no answers while experiencing an unexpected gift of contentment, some inner okayness. And the questions come. What if a change in people’s hearts “is” a real possibility? What if the voices of hatred, chaos, drama, fear, greed can be silenced through love? What if letting go of our old patterns of thinking that power, money and privilege will bring peace, community, justice and the end of war? Because it never has! What if we let go of our finite thinking, which is often based in fear, and embrace the possibilities we’ve never dreamed of? What if we are made with love to be love? What if we let go of what we think are the only possibilities and embrace the mystery of infinite possibilities? Thanks for listening and I hope this has not been too confusing.

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises

    Finding Delight

    Wisdom consists in doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with your whole heart, and finding delight in doing it.

    Meister Eckhart

    Just maybe seeking wisdom is a more fruitful path than just seeking knowledge and information. Could it be the more we connect our hearts, intuition, gut feeling with the knowledge of our minds the more whole we become? Happy Sunday! 😊

  • John O'Donohue,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises


    Sunrise on Weld County Rd. 15

    “Love allows understanding to dawn, and understanding is precious. Where you are understood, you are at home. Understanding nourishes belonging. When you really feel understood, you feel free to release yourself into the trust and shelter of the other person’s soul.”

    John O’Donohue

    When I first read this quote my mind pictured myself in relationship with another person. But, after reading it several times I believe that it also can be in the relationship we have with ourselves. It seems to me when we have a healthy love for ourselves we also will have a better understanding of ourselves. Actually all of creation. ❤️

  • fog,  landscape,  Plants,  trees

    Silent Waves of Fog

    low lying clouds
    sea of suspended water
    silent waves of fog


    Had a short night of sleep but slept sound for most of it and feel rested. Headed out early and discovered a bit of fog on the eastern plains. A world of clouds and haze until the sun burns it off. Very humid and cool morning with 96% humidity and 57 degrees. It is fascinating to watch fog as it changes and moves like a wave ever so silently and quickly. Fog does not hang around for too long. It is a cloud at the earth’s surface. A wave moving over bales of hay.

    A touch of pink in this image as the sun is about to rise behind the low clouds in the east. We are seeing fields of both the ripening wheat and three foot tall stalks of corn. Farmers are irrigating the fields of corn so lots of surface moisture to generate the fog. Where I’m standing is a ditch full of gurgling water, almost like having my own little stream. Have a great day!

  • haiku,  landscape,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    Love Beams

    sun plays hide and seek
    sacred beams of light piercing hearts
    aware of being love


    On my drive to greet the morning sun I wondered if I would find a starburst peeking from behind these hay bales and received much more. I found myself playing a child’s game of hide and seek with the sun. I came home filled with love beams and gratitude.

    With a storm front moving into the area this scene will change as the day moves on. Later we will see clouds move in and up to 3 inches of snow by tomorrow morning. Have a great day!

  • Avian,  landscape,  meadowlark,  natural areas,  prairie,  writing/reading

    Be Snake Awake

    Meadowlark perched on a fence post

    Last week somewhere around this spot a white tail doe bounced through the field heading towards the trees in the background. This scene looks very different than last week because the hay was up to her back, guessing it was 3-4 feet tall. The hay has been cut, baled and most of it taken and stacked in some hay barn awaiting the coming winter. Something else different in this scene is one of “my” meadowlarks sitting on the fence post, singing a good morning song. Also enjoyed the sun’s rays shining through the clouds.

    Beware sign at the trailhead leading into Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    This sign is located at the beginning of the trailhead, giving a fair warning. I have a friend who runs some of the trails along the foothills and says they have been seeing more snakes as we get closer to July and things warm up. These signs are important for those who are not familiar to the area and it’s dangers and a reminder to those who forget. I have only seen a couple of them over the past 20 years while exploring the trails. It’s a good idea to make a little noise just so they will scurry away.