• clouds,  gratitude,  lake,  landscape,  reflections,  sunsets,  writing/reading

    Four years ago today

    Sunset over Rigden Reservoir

    … I had my heart surgery, where they replaced my aortic valve. So, I thought I’d share my gratitude list with you today as it follows the theme of my last posting: 

    • Thankful for a healthy heart and it’s as full as it is 
    • Thankful for time with family and friends
    • Thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the things that have become such a gift in my life such as time with nature, photography, blogging, conversations with family and friends
    • Thankful for my prayer and meditation times
    • Thankful for my journals, fountain pens and the words I uncover with them
    • Thankful I can experience and enjoy each new sunrise and sunset
    • Thankful for another day to venture into a coffee shop to visit my favorite baristas
    • Thankful for the chance to read poetry, which I’d never done before
    • Thankful for the chance to try my hand at poetry, haiku
    • Thankful for the chance to create more of my photo books to share my photography and my words
    • Thankful for my home and the remodeling this past year
    • Thankful for blueberries in my Irish Oats 😂
    • Thankful for DQ Blizzards 😂
    • Thankful for my camera upgrade 2 years ago and a lust for the next upgrade 😂
    • Thankful that what I have is enough and in all honesty do not need anything more than what is already in my life
    • Thankful that there are still those who embrace love, compassion, serenity, joy, hope, peace and …. ❤️
  • natural areas,  Plants,  quotes

    Spiritual Journey

    Environmental Learning Center

    And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our own feet, and learn to be at home.

    Wendell Berry
  • fall season,  leaves,  Plants

    Back Home

    Fallen Leaves
    Fallen Leaves

    It’s good to be back home. I left on Saturday morning from Surprise, AZ and drove to Las Vegas, NM. It was a longer day so my drive on Sunday was shorter. I woke early and left early which allowed me to arrive about 12:30 pm.  The drive north is almost a constant climb in elevation, even going over a couple of passes. The elevation change allowed for a scenic drive as I saw the colors changing as I moved through different elevations.

    I missed the slow gradual changing of colors and the dropping of leaves here at home. Many of the trees have lost leaves or are at the end of the color changing, leaving brown leaves awaiting the next wind to blow them off. But, if you’ve followed me you will know I love leaves as does fellow photographer Mark Graf. I found these while on me walk over to the coffee shop. Nature has a way of creating an infinite number of patterns and colors. I love it.

  • architecture,  lifestyles

    The Kitchen

    The Kitchen
    The Kitchen

    Images will appear before us all the time and sometimes unexpectedly. The task is to be there with a camera and observe. We don’t want to miss an opportunity. And, make sure the kitchen is clean! 🙂

  • architecture,  spirituality

    With my latte, again.

    My Bedroom and Rocker
    My Bedroom and Rocker

    After 21 months of having a daughter and two teenage grandchildren living with me, I now have my condo back. I have a small one bedroom one bath condo and adding three more people it became much smaller. My daughter and granddaughter slept in my bedroom and my grandson and I used bunk beds in my living room. It was nice to sleep in my own bed in my own bedroom. They really did not bring that much stuff but when all of it is this little condo it seemed like so much more.

    So, now we all have moved on to anther phase of life. These months were a stress on all of us. We learned a lot about each other. Some issues we dealt with and some we didn’t. This time allowed me to discover a few things about myself and them that I did not about before. It’s a change not having them here but pretty sure I  will adjust in couple of hours. I’ve already noticed it’s quieter and peaceful. I no longer find dirty dishes in the sink or shoes laying around on the floor or curling iron sitting on the bathroom counter or someone in the bathroom.

    I missed that bedroom. I was not aware of how much of a sanctuary it was and how much time I spent there. It’s a simple bedroom: a full size bed, a dresser, a small desk and a wicker rocker. I now having quiet mornings, and evenings, in that rocker with my latte, again.