… I had my heart surgery, where they replaced my aortic valve. So, I thought I’d share my gratitude list with you today as it follows the theme of my last posting:
- Thankful for a healthy heart and it’s as full as it is
- Thankful for time with family and friends
- Thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the things that have become such a gift in my life such as time with nature, photography, blogging, conversations with family and friends
- Thankful for my prayer and meditation times
- Thankful for my journals, fountain pens and the words I uncover with them
- Thankful I can experience and enjoy each new sunrise and sunset
- Thankful for another day to venture into a coffee shop to visit my favorite baristas
- Thankful for the chance to read poetry, which I’d never done before
- Thankful for the chance to try my hand at poetry, haiku
- Thankful for the chance to create more of my photo books to share my photography and my words
- Thankful for my home and the remodeling this past year
- Thankful for blueberries in my Irish Oats
- Thankful for DQ Blizzards
- Thankful for my camera upgrade 2 years ago and a lust for the next upgrade
- Thankful that what I have is enough and in all honesty do not need anything more than what is already in my life
- Thankful that there are still those who embrace love, compassion, serenity, joy, hope, peace and ….