My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
Now is the season to know That everything you do Is sacred.
Hafiz (translation by Daniel Ladinsky)
This is a ridge along Horsetooth Reservoir after the night’s dusting of snow. And, it was bitter cold. And, I see that it is cold on the east coast and cold up north, also. Please stay warm!
The above image I took along the east side of Horsetooth Reservoir yesterday evening of the Galena Fire. It is way too early to begin having forest fires, especially after last year. They suspect this was cause by man which makes it even more painful. Let’s hope we do not have the same season as last year. In the lower right portion you can see some of the flames as the flare up.
Looking North into the Fire
This image is taken from the south looking north towards the fire. This south end has several homes and the harbor area for the reservoir. As you can see the smoke is drifting to the east and settling on the city of Fort Collins. Everything smells like smoke and we can find ash on our cars in town. Have a super weekend.