• horizons,  landscape,  quotes,  snow,  winter scenes

    I would suggest…

    A Frozen Horsetooth Reservoir

    Rightly understood, the mystic is not a special kind of human being; rather, every human being is a special kind of mystic.

    David Steindl-Rast

    A blue sky and sunshine the day after a snowfall will make me smile as a photographer. I can be confident that images will be available if I will bear the cold. This was one of those days! The quote above makes me wonder what our world would look like if we all believed we were a special kind of mystic. Mirabai Starr states a mystic is a person who has a direct experience of the sacred, unmediated by conventional religious rituals or intermediaries. I’ve also seen it defined as someone who has a direct experience of the Divine. Mary Oliver also believed that anyone who knows how to pay attention, can be considered a mystic. And, there are many more we could list. But with those definitions, then if we have stood in awe and wonder at a sunrise, snow covered mountains, a butterfly flitting from branch to branch or mesmerized before a place of refuge, then I would suggest we are a mystic.

  • fog,  frost,  landscape,  winter scenes

    A Wintery Scene

    It was 13 degrees when I left the condo at about 6:47 am. No wind. No bicycle! It was cold enough I could blow off the dusting of snow covering my car. I could feel the peaceful stillness and quiet on this winter morning. I moved on to my coffee life at Mugs where my barista, Dean, made me an extra hot Old Town Mocha. It hit the spot. The coffee shop was rather quiet because of the cold morning. Only a few brave souls would be out on a morning like this. I was able to chat with a two of the brave souls, Jeff and Chris, then had some journaling time. My POD (Pen of the Day) is a Pilot Custom 823 with Yama-guri ink. It is a good combo to find words on blank pages.

    As I left the coffee shop the sun was beginning to break through the clouds, offering blue skies and sunshine on the frost covered trees of the foothills. So I drove home along Horsetooth Reservoir. Nature offered its wintery gifts of low lying clouds, mist rising and floating across the open water, frost covered trees and a touch of blue sky over the foothills. And more quiet! Back home I started laundry and will have a bowl of chili soup later today. May you have a wonderful Sunday! Stay warm!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  storm clouds

    Gotta Love Those Clouds

    Looking northeast along Continental Road

    Horsetooth Reservoir sits on the west side of the city of Fort Collins in the foothills. It runs 6 1/2 miles north to south and is about a half mile wide. The reservoir was created by the construction of four separate large earthen dams, all completed in 1949 and all modernized with a seismic retrofit in 2000-2004. The reservoir has a capacity of 156,735 acre-feet, a total shoreline of 25 miles. Not quite the Great Lakes.

    I gave you all that information to let you know I love the clouds! They are the subject of both image! They are the reason I drove up there yesterday afternoon. I am standing along the east side of the reservoir on a road called Continental Road which travels the full 6 1/2 mile length of the reservoir. I am between two of the four dams looking out across the city after the rain moved out onto the eastern plains.

    Clouds this morning at Pineridge Natural Area

    Then I spent the early part of the morning at Pineridge Natural Area. Fog shrouded the city and eastern plains. The have been 6 pelicans hanging around the reservoir for the past couple weeks. This morning they were scattered about rather than huddled together as I normally see them. So I suspect they may be social distancing or one of ’em farted. Gotta love those clouds!

  • quotes

    Love Everyone

    “… as we learn to love ourselves for who we truly are, we cannot but love everyone else in the same manner.”

    Book of Secrets

    This mornings image is the full moon setting over Horsetooth Dam. The red/orange glow of the eastern sunrise adds to the image. The skies are clear and blue but it is still cold.

    I had a scare yesterday as my X-T3 would not see or format an SD card in slot one. I panicked thinking the camera had already failed me but it turned out to be the SD card. I then realized the cards I have are about 6 years old. Ordered four more cards this morning.

    As the quote says, my wish is that more people would learn to love themselves. Seems there would be less hatred in the world.

  • lake,  landscape,  seasons,  winter scenes

    Mental Reset

    “Keep close to nature’s heart and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean…”

    John Muir

    What a beautiful day for us. Temperatures reached the mid 40’s, blue skies and sunshine. Almost good enough to make a trip to the Dairy Queen. I watched the sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area this morning, a good start to any day. This afternoon I made a trip back to sit in the sun and journal. I took the long way home over Horsetooth Reservoir, up Rist Canyon, down Stove Prairie to the Poudre Canyon and back into town. A good mental reset! This is a view of Horsetooth Reservoir along the east side. Love the patterns of the ice.

    I also got my second COVID-19 immunization yesterday. I’m cured now.