My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
God is the internal voice calling me to give myself to the fullness of life.
Joan Chittister
It makes no difference what we chose to call that internal voice. What matters is being silent enough to listen then giving myself to the task of living the fullness of life. It has been a learning process for me and a wonderful opportunity! Happy birthday to those celebrating their birthday on this leap year!
We let go of what we have been told to believe about ourselves. We listen to a different voice, one that comes to us from deep within our own soul. That is the voice of love. It is the spirit telling us we are worthy and that we can overcome our problems, even if those problems seem as overwhelming as darkness.
Steven Charleston
I believe Charleston is correct because over time I am learning to let go of what I was told about myself, what I told myself about myself and listen to a different voice. Some of those voices, including my own, were telling me things through a lack of understanding and knowledge while some were lies to control and manipulate. I have found it easier to tell someone “I believe in you” rather than say that to myself and believe it. However, I’m learning to listen and trust this voice of love that resides deep within me. I believe in this voice of wisdom. And, because I’m listening and trusting this voice, I’m beginning to experience life and all of creation in new and enriching ways. I see with a new set of eyes and see more each day. Life is much more beautiful when I began to understand how connected we all are in the many threads and fabrics of life we are. I wonder if love could be the thread that binds us? I kinda like this voice of love!!!
“There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”
Michael A. Singer
Over the years I’ve become aware of the idea that I am not the voice of my mind. However, this awareness is only the beginning. Each day is an opportunity to learn more of this truth about my life. I also learn from watching others who are not who they are but believe the voice of their mind. The practice of meditation is helping me in letting go of, or identifying with, the voices and thoughts. I then can carry that practice into all areas of my life. Maybe true growth is the awareness of this and put it into action. It is a beautiful day here in Colorado. Hoping you have a wonderful day!
I have about 10 drafts in my post sections. I either need to finish them or delete them. So you may see some posts that are not stellar writing but appear here because of my decision to rid myself of drafts.
All holiness is about learning to hear the voice of your own soul.
John O’Donohue
What a beautiful Sunday morning. Orange glow on the eastern horizon. A cloudless sky. A silence coming from the Canada Geese still sleeping on the open water. There are no Magpies chattering. The only sound being my breaths. I wish, and you can even call it a prayer, that more people would seek out and cherish these predawn moments in nature to experience and hear the voice within our souls. Possibly find more peace in the world.
May you all have an Awesome Sunday! Yes, it’s a blue theme again.
I have always carried stress in my shoulders. It’s there now. There is a feeling of restlessness. I find my mind wandering to unknown places in the universe. Feel I’m not listening to the inner voice within me but the chatter of my ego and the noise of the world around me. Maybe if I share myself more on this blog, hear what you have experienced, take more action, the stress will lessen.
Now in my retirement there is a life to live full of excitement and adventures, images to receive, words to write in my journals, blog posts to write, places to visit, people to meet and a chance to discover more creativity within me. I find this exciting. However, this requires me to take action and not just dream of them. In the past I have only dreamed. There are no excuses. As I’ve heard, “Dreams without action are only fantasy.” I hope and pray I live the rest of my life with excitement, without fear of failure or success, looking for awe and wonder all around me.