• insects,  John O'Donohue,  quotes

    The Wanderer’s Soul

    While each place has its own beauty, no particular place can claim to settle the wanderer’s soul.

    John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes

    If you ever want to observe a wandering soul look no farther than the world of insects. Most wander in pursuit of food, to mate and to avoid predators. I have found the only way to photograph dragonflies and damselflies is to set up my camera and tripod then wait. With enough patience those wandering souls will pass through your viewfinder. Hoping you are enjoying your Saturday.

  • insects


    Widow Skimmer Dragonfly (I think)

    It rained yesterday afternoon and through most of the night, with a soft gentle rain here. However there was major rain in the mountains in the burn areas from last years forest fires. Major flooding took place and a flood warning out for today. Interesting that 45 years ago today we had the Big Thompson Flood that took 144 lives. A 20 foot wall of water came down that canyon almost completely taking out Highway 34 between Loveland and Estes Park. I remember how it sounded like a war zone with helicopters constantly flying overhead. I know those who lost loved ones in that flood and have a sister who survived those waters.

    Data for those who want to know: Fujifilm X-T3 and XF 16-80mm f4.0

  • animals,  flowers,  insects,  Plants

    Another time

    Met my friend, Diane, at Gardens on Spring Creek. The gardens are an impressive 18 acre facility. Great for us older kids to enjoy! We brought our own coffee and met in the parking lot. They have this set aside time for members to have the garden all to themselves on certain days from 8:00-10:00 am. Today was one of those days. What a wonderful world it is. They also have a butterfly pavilion but it did not open until 10:00 am. Another time.

    Had this little one come right up to me as if I was suppose to feed them. Hope you are having a great day!

  • insects

    Beauty in Nature

    Found on one of my walks
    Found on one of my walks

    I chose nature photography as a way of capturing and sharing the beauty, power, and fragility of wild places and the life that inhabits them, so that those who have become mired in the man-made chaos may open their eyes to the real world. 

    Guy Tal
  • bees,  insects,  Plants

    Busy Bee

    Loaded with Pollen
    Loaded with Pollen

    I sat by my pond the other afternoon with soft diffused light due to cloud cover.  A busy bee made his appearance moving from one flower to another collecting pollen. I watched with enjoyment and took a handful of photos but I mainly watched the constant movement. Look close and you’ll see the pollen on the legs.