• flowers,  poems,  quotes

    Let me linger…

    A busy bee and daisies

    It may be a product of getting older
    But sometimes I want to stop time.

    I want to make the sunsets last just a little longer.
    I want the quiet mornings to go on and on

    The laughter at the dinner table
    To stretch out into a whole evening
    The beauty of the clouds as they race
    Across the valley to never end.

    It is not that I want to freeze reality, just slow it down.
    I want life to move as slowly as I do.
    For I have learned that life moves far too fast as it is.
    It is a joy that endures but briefly
    Made of moments that pass as quickly as hummingbirds.

    Let me linger in the love I feel.
    Let me see the light for as long as I can.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    I stopped on my ride this evening because these daisies caught my eye. However, I was not the only one interested in the daisies as this bee busily flitted from flower to flower. So busy in fact, I never got a good infocus shot. Oh well. I watched and lingered and loved the moment.

  • insects

    One of the Irregulars

    One of the irregulars

    I had coffee and a chocolate-chocolate chip muffin this morning at Cups. I sat outside, that way I could listen to traffic. One of the regular irregulars sat motionless on their massive web beside me. I was surprised how big this web was, it must have been three feet across. They totally ignored me as they were focused with food. I broke a bridge on Saturday morning so I had an appointment with the dentist this afternoon. They removed the bridge and put in a temporary until Sept 10th. I asked the dentist if I needed to avoid any bar fights. He said, “Not the ones I’ll win.” The only fights I’m guaranteed to win are the ones I don’t get into. Sorry, no landscape image today.

  • bees,  flowers,  insects,  Plants,  quotes

    The Gifts of Other Beings

    Gratitude is founded on the deep knowing that our very existence relies on the gifts of other beings.

    Robin Wall Kimmerer

    Latest news this morning shows the Alexander Mountain FIre to be held at 9,668 acres and is 74% contained. The Stone Canyon Fire is 100% contained. Grateful the skies are returning to their blue color! I found this bee enjoying their time on a sunflower the other afternoon at the CSU Experiment Garden. I really need to thank them more often for being the gift they are and not just as a photographer’s subject.

  • bees,  Blossoms,  insects,  Plants,  quotes

    We must…

    We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good and decent are worth it. We have had enough of immorality and the mockery of ethics, goodness, faith and honesty. It is time to acknowledge that light-hearted superficiality has done us no good. When the foundations of social life are corroded, what ensues are battles over conflicting interests, new forms of violence and brutality, and obstacles to the growth of a genuine culture of care for the environment.

    Pope Francis, Laudato Si: On care for our common home
  • insects,  quotes

    The Small Wonders

    “Because I was watching for miracles on an epic scale, I didn’t recognize the small wonders that were occurring every day.”

    Spiritual Awakenings, Journeys of the Spirit

    I began this day watching the sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area, always a good start to any day. I am amazed at this life I am living. It is nothing like I would have imagined. All of life’s experiences have led to this time and place. I am so grateful today! May we all look for each small wonder as a spiritual awakening! 🙏

  • insects,  quotes

    What a Mystery

    Nature is a part of our humanity, and without some awareness and experience of that divine mystery man ceases to be man.

    Henry Beston

    A search of Doctor Google showed this to be Widow Skimmer Dragonfly. Unlike other species of dragonflies where males guard egg-laying females, Widow Skimmer males leave the female by herself, ‘widowing’ her as she lays her eggs just under the surface of the water. I stood in the sun and waited for them to land, hoping to get some images. This is a female as the males have a silver-grey body. What a mystery it all is! If you’re so inclined, reading this link will add to the mystery. Hope you enjoy your Saturday!

  • quotes

    In harmony with the Tao…

    In harmony with the Tao,
    the sky is clear and spacious,
    the earth is solid and full,
    all creatures flourish together,
    content with the way they are,
    endlessly repeating themselves,
    endlessly renewed.

    when man interferes with the Tao
    the sky becomes filthy,
    the earth becomes depleted,
    the equilibrium crumbles,
    creatures become extinct.

    Lao Tzu

    And to think the Old Sage Laozi or Lao Tzu (Old Master) wrote this around 400 B.C. This translation is from Tao Te Ching: A New English Version by Stephen Mitchell. I believe this to be a juba skipper who was hanging around my ponds, so I shot photographed it. But, I don’t believe I interfered with the Tao.

  • insects,  John O'Donohue,  quotes

    The Wanderer’s Soul

    While each place has its own beauty, no particular place can claim to settle the wanderer’s soul.

    John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes

    If you ever want to observe a wandering soul look no farther than the world of insects. Most wander in pursuit of food, to mate and to avoid predators. I have found the only way to photograph dragonflies and damselflies is to set up my camera and tripod then wait. With enough patience those wandering souls will pass through your viewfinder. Hoping you are enjoying your Saturday.