• Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  People/Portraits,  quotes

    You never know….

    Approaching Pitkin and Meridian bus stop

    Jay Maisel always says to bring your camera, ‘cause it’s tough to take a picture without it. Pursuant to the above aforementioned piece of the rule book, subset three, clause A, paragraph four would be…use the camera. Put it to your eye. You never know. There are lots of reasons, some of them even good, to just leave it on your shoulder or in your bag. Wrong lens. Wrong light. Aaahhh, it’s not that great, what am I gonna do with it anyway? I’ll have to put my coffee down. I’ll just delete it later, why bother? Lots of reasons not to take the dive into the eyepiece and once again try to sort out the world into an effective rectangle. It’s almost always worth it to take a look. – Joe McNally 

  • flowers,  Plants,  quotes

    Need to make more mistakes

    Last of the season
    Last of the season

    “If you’re not making mistakes, you might as well hang the camera up.” Joe McNally

    Probably one the last flowers we will see this year as the weather changes and fall approaches. Mornings are cooler as we had 43 degrees at 6:30 am. The temperature swing can be large this time of the year as we are expecting a high of 83 degrees this afternoon. Jacket in the morning and short sleeves by afternoon. Probably need to make more mistakes.