• quotes,  shadows,  winter scenes

    Ain’t No Sunshine…

    “We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly, messily, marvelously who we were born to be.”

    Anne Lamott

    Well, if it did get above zero yesterday it had to have only lasted for a couple blinks of eye. I heard a handful of people say they saw it, then it was gone. I wasn’t one of them. I took this image just outside my door. It is warmer this morning at -5° but there is no sunshine. And, we are expecting clouds and light snowfall all day and maybe a high of + 7°. It will be a soup kinda day along with reading and journaling.

    I like how Anne Lamott does not say that we find and become ourselves but that we begin. This makes it a journey. I never thought about deep questions like that when I was younger, my focus was on things rather than my very nature. But there came a day when questions like who I am and what’s my purpose began popping up on my radar. Thankfully, I can report that for me finding who we were born to be has become quite the adventure. I find it exciting and makes life enjoyable for me. I’ve heard it said that life’s journey is to uncover, discover and discard all that keeps us from becoming who we already are. What a beautiful journey to walk! Thanks for listening and stay warm!

  • clouds,  gratitude,  landscape,  sunsets

    Yes, giving thanks…

    Friday evening’s sunset at Cobb Lake State Wildlife Area

    At the end of the day, give up your worries and give thanks for the journey.

    Ben Vereen

    It is another beautiful day here in Colorado. Just finished a busy morning with cardiac rehab and an echocardiogram. Good news is the new aortic valve is working just fine. Hope everyone is thankful they remembered where they hid all the eggs!

  • People/Portraits,  quotes,  Self-portraits

    Today’s Discovery

    “… when we write in a journaling mode we are getting in touch with the many selves inside our self.”

    Naomi Shihab Nye

    I enjoy this process of self-reflection in my life. I’m finding it to be an exciting inward journey and yet outward, vitally connected to all of creation. My journaling and photography are tools I use in that journey. Today’s discovery, I need a haircut. Now for some homemade vegetable soup.

  • leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Endless Chatter

    “What deadens us most to God’s presence within us, I think, is the inner dialogue that we are continuously engaged in with ourselves, the endless chatter of human thought. I suspect that there is nothing more crucial to true spiritual comfort . . . than being able from time to time to stop that chatter . . . ”

    Frederick Buechner

    While waiting for a friend at the park I wandered around a tree and took a dozen photos of assorted leaves. I realized how accurate Paulo Coelho is when he states, “In a forest of a hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are alike. And no two journeys along the same path are alike.” In the past I may have wandered around in my head waiting for my friend rather than noticing the leaves. I find it enjoyable at this stage in my life to have tools to let go of the chatter, allowing me to stay more present to the world around me. And when that happens I’m more engaged in spiritual comfort.

  • Candid Portraits,  People/Portraits,  quotes

    Love is…

    Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.

    Marianne Williamson

    It was just after 7:30 am and the morning light on Adriana’s auburn hair was radiating around her! She was in the spotlight. Love is shining on her and in her. She agreed to let me take a shot while she continued to work on her computer. The subject, the light and the moment, all make this image a meaningful moment. Thank you, Adriana.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  lifestyles,  writing/reading

    A Soft Whisper

    As I travel this journey of life, I find both the unceasing chaotic chatter of the world and my mind brings turmoil within me. To quiet these voices of anxiety and confusion I use my journal and fountain pens. They have long  ago become intimate friends who have the ability to bring a calming to my sometimes troubled spirit. As I hold these trusted instruments my breathing and thinking settle down into a place of peace. As I write, the world still shouts but now from a distance and the continuous chatter of my mind gradually becomes a soft whisper.

    We are expecting snow to begin about midday with 1-3 inches total. Stay warm.

  • natural areas,  Plants,  quotes

    Spiritual Journey

    Environmental Learning Center

    And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our own feet, and learn to be at home.

    Wendell Berry
  • fog,  landscape,  Plants,  snow,  trees

    Just beyond what we vaguely see…

    I recently read  from a book by Janet Ruffing that said “theology is nothing more than faith seeking understanding.” Much of my life has been spent looking for understanding of something I cannot define or even comprehend. It’s been many years since I prayed to the old man in the sky, a theology of a God defined by others and one I was expected to accept. Yet, that theology had to be discarded and I needed to enter in a journey of seeking a new understanding. For me that is the essence of the spiritual journey: the seeking. Seeking an understanding is like looking into a foggy wintery scene. The visible details are vague, yet there is more just beyond what we vaguely see.