• coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  Humor,  journal,  writing/reading

    Anyone else …

    … still looking for the perfect camera bag? 😂 A quick google search for “perfect camera bag” gives me 118,000,000 hits. There is always someone suggesting the best camera bag for travel, backpacking, street photography, weddings and so forth. But I’m afraid we are all going to be disappointed because there ain’t one.

    Daily, I normally carry a camera with a lens attached, a journal, my fountain pens, a kindle paperwhite, sometimes a book, a smartphone, spare battery and SD cards. I seldom carry my 13″ Macbook Pro anymore. If’n I’m going to the coffee shop with the above then all I need is camera bag A or A1 or A2. If’n I’m going to a natural area for nature photos then a camera body with two lens and binoculars are what I need and fits in camera bag B, or B1 or B2 or B3. Maybe what I need is a bag that morphs into what I want for that day. I just put in what I’m going to carry for the day and it shapes itself to my needs. And all for only $49. Or maybe I need to give up. But I’m still looking. Sigh!

  • Black and White,  writing/reading



    I like books. I have used them to enrich, entertain, nurture, guide, and enlighten my life. I’ve discovered favorite genres and authors. Even though I mostly read on an e-reader I still enjoy “feeling” my way through a book store or library. Prior to my seven year stint of flying I had a decent library. It is now down to 75 books or so. My library is now my e-reader as I carry it everywhere, just like my camera.

  • coffee shops

    Goodbye My Friend

    Chai Tea Latte at Starry Night

    Today is the funeral for a good friend of mine. Over the past few days I’ve had time to reflect on his impact on my life. I am amazed at how big that impact has been on me and hearing others say the same. I will miss our conversations and the guidance he offered me. I am grateful for the impact people have on our lives. Thanks, Wayne!