The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them.
Thomas Merton, No Man Is an Island
Ordinary Life Experiences
The most ordinary life experiences become transcendent when you offer them your reverent silence, your mischievous laughter, your sacred rage.
Mirabai StarrAnother frigid morning below zero, where my car groaned when I turned the ignition. Almost like it was saying, “Do you really want to do this?” Clear blue skies and sunshine now bring some warmth. My morning included quiet time, a breakfast scramble, then a trip to the coffee shop filled with wonderful conversations and a mocha. I did not journal until after I came home and began laundry. Some may consider my life dull, boring, ordinary but for me there is nothing ordinary about this life I live. My life is full as long as I stay present, my eyes open! I must admit I live the good life! I see that everyone is dealing with this cold weather so I hope you are staying warm.
I’m spoiled…
We are our thoughts; but we are at the same time much more than just our thoughts. We are also our feelings, our perceptions, our wisdom, our happiness and our love.
Thich Nhat HanhIt was a cold bicycle ride this morning to the coffee shop. The high humidity made it sink deep within. Yet a beautiful fog had moved in and I saw a half dozen snowflakes in my headlight. Snow is predicted for this afternoon. My barista was Meg. She greeted me with her beautiful smile and made me an Old Town Mocha (see above.) Life is good! There is no doubt, I’m spoiled! Stay warm.
Living a Privileged Life
Someone rummages through garbage for food
Someone hides in the closet in fear of another beating
Someone loses their child in senseless bombing
Someone faces another day of dialysis
Someone receives an wanted pathology report
Someone contemplates their suicide
Someone buries a loved one
While I enjoy my coffee life and mocha latte
While I live a privileged life -
Compassion means to come close to the one who suffers… A compassionate person says I am your brother, I am your sister, I am human, fragile, and mortal, just like you… We can be with the other only when the other ceases to be other and becomes like us.
Henri NouwenWe all suffer. Even those with money, food, good health, a job, nice home with two cars and money in savings. I would venture to say most people hide their suffering, maybe even denying it. We can easily believe that because we have stuff we are not suffering and therefore different than others. We can even feel that even when we only have one car. Accumulating stuff can lead to a lack of compassion.
I would love to see more compassion in our world. Maybe take it one step further and make it empathy not just compassion. And to have compassion and empathy, we must cease to see others as different from us and see them to be just like us. We are, at the core, all the same. I think the above quote is spot on.
I am sharing this nice photo of Kelsey’s latte art. I enjoy ordering a cappuccino or mocha just so I can see what kind of artwork they will produce. It is a beautiful summer morning, clear skies and sunshine. May you have a wonderful Friday.
Life comes from living it…
Things do not make life, life.
Joan ChittisterFrom my own experiences I’m aware that a new fountain pen “will not” make me a better writer, or a wiser person. Yet, I still look. I also know that a new Fujifilm X100VI will not make me a better street photographer, or a wiser person. Yet, I still look. From my own life experiences the simple things I have in life are the real treasures of life. I am doing my best to live my life with less attachments to things and not accumulating more things. Chittister also says that life comes from living it. So, living life today means taking the time to savor the beauty of latte art, enjoying my mocha, and a bit of journaling with the treasures I have.
The Artist
Behind the facade of image and distraction, each person is an artist in this primal and inescapable sense. Each one of us is doomed and privileged to be an inner artist who carries and shapes a unique world.
John O’DonohueBaristas are artists. As artists they are a part of the creation of our day because when we walk into a coffee shop, they greet us by name and then provide the drink we want. I consider them an artist because they can make a latte, while carrying on an intelligent conversation with us at the same time. They are artists because of their craft and skill in creating latte art from the crema of steamed milk: the heart or the rosetta with many leafs. I’ve even found myself not wanting to drink my latte and mess up their creation. And as we get to know each other, we get to see that inner beauty in each one of them, the person they are becoming and gift they are to the world. Go ahead, try and tell me that Keera’s smile is not a work of art.
There for a reason…
“There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”
Paulo CoelhoIt is cold and the wind continues to blow this morning. Made my way to Pineridge Natural Area for the predawn colors. I watched as the wind scattered the ever changing clouds across the canvas sky. I felt within the sense of drama in nature as she constantly reshaped the clouds according to the wind’s whims. I’m now enjoying my mocha latte at Starry Night then will meet Mark for breakfast as he and I continue our fantasy quest of solving the world’s troubles. I say that with tongue-in-cheek as he and I realize changing the world always starts with ourselves. I feel I am finding that facing and overcoming troubles is much more of an adventure than just an unwanted task. In my past I had the tendency to run from them. Now there is more of a desire to learn from the lessons. Just facing them is a lesson. May you have a wonderful day, overcoming any and all problems while learning life’s lessons! Stay warm!