Sitting in a small coffee shop called Cafe Ole. It’s a new place that I just found out about it. I’m also finishing up a breakfast burrito from a local Mexican restaurant that they serve here. We have overcast skies and temperatures is hovering around 43 degrees. I consider it a good fall day. The forecast is for winds to pick up as a front moves into the area. I found this leaf a couple weeks ago while wandering around outside. The weather and the fallen leaf are bringing on a melancholy feeling this morning. I’m back to work again tomorrow for a 4-day trip. Work sure does get in the way of life.
Signs of Fall
We all know the signs of the approaching fall season. We have football games now on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. We put the shorts back in the bottom draw of the dresser. Starbucks comes out with their Pumpkin Spice Latte. Stores are putting out Halloween candy and Christmas decorations. We have cooler nights. The days begin to shorten. Squadrons Canada Geese are heading south. Leaves begin to change colors and fall from their branches. Fall is approaching.
With camera in hand
“…one is not really a photographer until preoccupation with learning has been outgrown and the camera in his hands is an extension of himself. There is where creativity begins.” – Carl Mydans
True but we must have the camera in hand.
Strange Sounds
As I left my condo early one morning last week I noticed the dew glistening on the grass. The next thing to catch my attention was this leaf laying on the wet grass due to its distinct color. I just had to take my camera out, squat down, take a photo and share it. And, I’m hearing this strange sound more often when I get back up after I squating. 🙁
With Power
The leaf seems out of place but because of that it adds power to the image of rain drops on the car. It shouts louder to me than if it were lying on the pavement or grass. I quickly compose and move on. Once I see the image on my monitor I realize how much power it has for me. So simple but with power. Please enjoy your Sunday and sorry for posting another leaf image but they’re everywhere.
The Frosted Leaf
A great photograph is a distillation, a reduction of the chaos of our wider experience to a visually satisfying essence where what is excluded is as important as what is included.
David Ward – From the book: “Landscape Within”
This image was taken while on a cold morning walk near my condo back in Colorado. We must always be aware of what nature wants to share with us. And, there is nothing wrong with stopping and enjoy what is shared.