• Art/Design,  writing/reading

    White knuckles

    Tight Grip

    Working as a flight attendant I get to see people who are afraid to fly. They will have a tight grip on the armrest, breathing is short, eyes are open wide and constantly searching all that is around them, ears are alert to every sound. Once the aircraft lifts from the ground their bodies tighten and become rigid. Fear is in control.

    Fear runs ramp-id in our world, cheating some of us from living life to its fullest. The biggest regrets in my life have been those times I failed to try due to fear of failure, which is failure. I wonder how many images I have missed because I was white knuckling it. Each day I have the chance to experience life outside my comfort zone and maybe learn something wonderful. It’s all about letting go and trusting.

  • landscape,  sunrises

    Up Early


    Up Early
    Up Early

    “Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn’t learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn’t learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.” Buddha


  • National Parks,  sunrises

    Sunrise at Foothills Parkway

    Sunrise Along Skyline Drive
    Sunrise Along Foothills Parkway

    I’ve found searching our archives to be a good learning experience to touchup a few of these images using the tools and experience we have learned over the past. In October of 2003 a friend and fellow photographer, Jeff Svoboda, and I made a week long trip to the Smoky Mountains. He had been there before and knew where to go and where to stay. If you have never visited the Smoky Mountains I suggest you put it on your list of places to visit. Taken along Foothills Parkway.