• Avian,  Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF70-300mm f4.0-5.6,  meadowlark,  Photography

    New Optics

    Western Meadowlark

    I’ve had for 20 plus years two pairs of binoculars that I seldom pickup because they are a pain in the a$$ to use. I’ve carried one pair in the car and keep the other in my condo. Since I’m spending more time in nature, I am wanting a closer look at this world around me. So, a couple weeks ago I did some research on birding binoculars and learned why these binoculars I have are such a hassle to use.

    I learned most birders prefer using 8×42 binoculars. The ones I have are 10×24, which makes them small and lightweight but difficult to use. The first number is the magnification and and the second number is the diameter of the glass. The larger magnification causes a lot of shake while the smaller glass reduced the amount of light and field of view.

    The most recommended pair in my price range was the Nikon Prostaff S3 8×42. I made a visit to Jax Surplus to look at a pair, liked what I saw and made the purchase, knowing I could return them if they did not work for me. Wow, what a difference. These binoculars weigh in at 19.9 ounces, are rated at 377 ft/1,000 yd Field Of View, and are waterproof and fogproof. It is interesting to use them in tracking a bird in flight, something impossible previously. I’ve even taken them for walks without my camera because I enjoy just watching/studying the birds. Or, as I’ve read, “Studying the book of nature.” Yep, new optics! 😁

  • Camera Equipment,  moon,  Photography,  quotes


    One  of the first images I made with my first digital camera the Nikon D100

    “Photography is not about cameras, gadgets and gizmos. Photography is about photographers. A camera didn’t make a great picture any more than a typewriter wrote a great novel.” Peter Adams

    A few days ago Fujifilm announced the release of the pro Fujifilm X-T3 camera body and the new Fujifilm XF16-80mm f4.0 lens now in a kit. The lens is something I really want and will most likely buy in the future, but I really do not need the pro camera. However, in a very short time I was convincing myself I’d make better images with two new tools and my mind became totally occupied on working out a plan to justify the purchase of both. It took several hours of this mental masterbation before reality checked in and I knew that no lie could justify the purchase of both. Maybe I should post the above quote on my bathroom mirror to help me remember. Or, maybe I should sell my condo and buy the kit. Or, my car. I know, I’ll take out a second mortgage. Sell my oldest grandchild. Sigh!