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    A Good Decision

    Each decision we make, good or bad, offers an opportunity to learn.


    This morning as I stepped out of my car and loudly shut the car door, I startled two Great Blue Herons feeding along the banks of Dixon Reservoir. As they flew away I realized I was rushing into this scene, looking for the image rather than being there. So, I took a deep breath, relaxed and watched the sunrise unfold, which brought a smile to my face. That was a much better decision than when I arrived. Lesson learned. Weather forecast is predicting 72 degrees today. Enjoy your Saturday! 1The decision to write this post was inspired by my friend Deb.

  • quotes

    Lessons Learned

    Shadows on the Bridge

    “Succesful people are succesful for one simple reason: they think about failure differently. Successful people learn from failure, but the lesson they learn is a different one, they don’t learn that they shouldn’t have tried in the first place, and they don’t learn that they are always right and the world is wrong and the don’t learn that they are losers. They learn that the tactics they used didn’t work or that the person they used them on didn’t respond. You become a winner because you’re good at losing. The hard part about losing is that you might permit it to give strength to the resistance, that you might believe that you don’t deserve to win, that you might, in some dark corner of your soul, give up.” from Linchpin by Seth Goodin

    • I’ve deleted a few images from my hard drive since I started working with digital photography. Those images were lessons learned.
    • Yesterday I approached a mother and her daughter in an attempt to get an image of the young girls face that was smeared with ice cream. I was told no. I thanked her and moved on. A lesson learned.
    • A few years ago I’ve arrived early for a morning sunrise photo session only to realize I’d forgot the L-bracket to mount my camera on my tripod. A lesson learned.
    • Turn Vibration Reduction off when camera is mounted on a tripod. A lesson learned.
    • Because I did not check the background I now have a couple of images with antlers protruding from my fathers head. Lesson learned. Funny looking though. 🙂

    Anyone willing to share a lesson learned?