• clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    Letting go

    Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything – anger, anxiety, or possessions – we cannot be free.

    Thich Nhat Hanh

    I had a peaceful quiet time at home then things went downhill… When I arrived at Pineridge Natural Area there was a car sitting crossways into the area entrance. It was a young couple there to watch the predawn and sunrise, and couldn’t blame them. However, they did not move so to get in I needed to go around. There was enough room but it meant I would need to drive at the edge of the road and through a couple of potholes created during our last rain. It was all manageable. A half hour later as I left for the coffee shop they were still sitting there and the car was still running. First resentment I needed to let go of! Driving to the coffee shop someone in a new Audi wanted me to get to the coffee shop quicker than I wanted, so I let them go around me. They were sitting there waiting for me at the stoplight. Second resentment I needed to let go of! When I arrived at the coffee shop my laptop would not allow me to reach my website, however my phone could. Technology had me flustered again. Third resentment I needed to let go of. I looked at my watch, it was only 8:21 am. Sigh! On the positive side, we are expecting some much needed rain today. And, with the purpose of being a student of life and desiring to live with freedom, it seems to be starting out as a day for teaching me lessons on letting go. I did enjoy the predawn colors at the natural area (once I got in). Have a wonderful Friday!!

  • cattails,  Plants,  quotes

    Learning to let go

    We let go of what we have been told to believe about ourselves. We listen to a different voice, one that comes to us from deep within our own soul. That is the voice of love. It is the spirit telling us we are worthy and that we can overcome our problems, even if those problems seem as overwhelming as darkness.

    Steven Charleston

    I believe Charleston is correct because over time I am learning to let go of what I was told about myself, what I told myself about myself and listen to a different voice. Some of those voices, including my own, were telling me things through a lack of understanding and knowledge while some were lies to control and manipulate. I have found it easier to tell someone “I believe in you” rather than say that to myself and believe it. However, I’m learning to listen and trust this voice of love that resides deep within me. I believe in this voice of wisdom. And, because I’m listening and trusting this voice, I’m beginning to experience life and all of creation in new and enriching ways. I see with a new set of eyes and see more each day. Life is much more beautiful when I began to understand how connected we all are in the many threads and fabrics of life we are. I wonder if love could be the thread that binds us? I kinda like this voice of love!!!

  • fall season,  leaves

    Remind me of me

    Taken while waiting for the bus.

    I would say that 80-90% of the leaves have let go of the mother tree and moved on to the next phase of life. And, every year I’m intrigued from a photographer’s perspective to see the few leaves who seem to want to hold on. Maybe it’s because they remind me of me. They remind me of my tendency to hang on when letting go of my unhealthy habits, traits, and thinking was a better option. Hard lessons have taught me that letting go allows us to experience new adventures in life. I would say that at this Fall Season of my life I am learning to let go and live the next phase of life. Truly, it has become an adventure! 

    We are cold at 23 degrees. Took the bus to campus and now sipping on a mocha at the Lory Student Center. Have a wonderful Friday!

  • lifestyles,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Something for me to Ponder

    All About Coffee
    All About Coffee

    It is sometimes difficult for those who move into the later years of life, the aging years, for the need to let go of certain things. These can be such things as driving, some physical abilities like dancing the twist, carousing late into the night, or whatever you can come up with.  I’ve heard it said the opposite of letting go is hanging on. What do we hang on to and why? Hanging on can have a sense of scarcity and fear of loss. This then asks the question what do we want to hang on to and what do we want to let go of. However, Parker J. Palmer rephrases this question and asks, “What do I want to let go of and what do I want to give myself to?” I like the sound of that. Something for me to ponder.

  • Black and White,  flowers,  lifestyles,  Plants,  writing/reading

    Acceptance and Gratitude

    Daises on Campus
    Daisies on Campus

    There are days when my inner peace is troubled or just not there. It can be due to the political environment and struggles of our world, a troubled relationship in my life, my weight, a task I really do not want to do, traffic, road construction, money (the lack of it). I could go on but I’m sure you have your own list. Sometimes I find myself thinking I’d have more peace if I did more walking, got more rest, spent more time in prayer and mediation, more solitude, more….  a lack of something? Then at some moment of clarity I stop and laugh at myself. More is not my answer, although this culture wants to convince me it is. I’ve come to realize it’s not the wants that bring peace and serenity but it’s the acceptance and gratitude of what I already have. And, maybe having less will allow more peace, letting go of something(s). 

  • writing/reading

    One Foot in Front of the Other


    Moving Forward
    Moving Forward

    “Most fears arise from uncertainty. When we’re stuck in fear, we can’t put one foot in front of the other unless we know what lies ahead. Our life doesn’t even feel like our own life, it’s so controlled by fear” Dzigar Kongtrul

    Fear is paralyzing. I have many regrets in my life, those unfulfilled dreams and plans, because I did not try. As I’ve grown older it has become apparent how much of a role fear played. I may have feared failure itself or the effort it may take or the time it may take, the list could could go on forever. Yet, I know from experience how fulfilling it can be to step forward and see where my steps will take me. My dreams and plans may only be the tip of a larger iceberg where bigger and better things will unfold.