Yesterday morning began with overcast skies, a heavy fog and a light mist. I was able to take a few images of some of the weather conditions but my favorite image of the day was yet to come. My oldest daughter and I had scheduled to meet for lunch a couple weeks ago. By the time we met for lunch the clouds had begun to break up and sunlight would peak in and out. We were able to have a table near a window and talk about our enjoyment of the fall season. After lunch we enjoyed a latte, rather than a dessert, and continued our conversation. I could not help but notice the diffused light from the window as it accentuated how beautiful a woman she is. So, I asked if I could take her photo and now proudly share it with you.
The Cool Dude Met my friend Larry for lunch this past week and, yes I have two of them. Larry has been into photography for many years with a love for film photography. Needless to say lunch lasted a good three hours. He was given a digital camera but prefers to use his 4×5 or 8×10 on a tripod that weights as much as his car. He does pull out his phone camera and take a quick snap shot every once in a while (new granddaughter). He took this image while playing with my X-E1 and using the Velvia film simulation. It’s straight out of the camera.