• fall season,  leaves,  Plants,  seasons

    The Look of Fall

    Fall colors this morning

    What a wonderful wedding for my granddaughter yesterday. The weather cooperated, lots of tears were shed, joy and love was experienced by family and friends, and food was a plenty. The wedding had to be postponed for a year due to the pandemic and our restrictions. I believe it was worth the wait. I pray for a blessed marriage of many years. Congratulations Madie and Brandon. I love you! ❤️

  • Family

    “… the story continues to begin.”

    Devin, Madie, Monica, Daryian
    Devin, Madie, Monica, Daryian

    My youngest granddaughter graduated from high school this past week. Some consider it an alternative school but that is not an accurate name for it because I think it is a model of what school needs to look like. I am impressed with the school, the faculty and staff.

    This graduation ceremony was a tear jerker for me and I’ve wiped my eyes a couple times writing this post. Rather than have a guest speaker attempt to urge these young people on to more success (however you define success: money, power, popularity, career, or just attaining enough credits to graduate), each graduate stepped to the podium with two white roses and offered those roses to two people who helped make their graduation possible.

  • Family

    Madie’s Graduation

    Madie and Friends
    Madie and Friends

    Late yesterday afternoon a front moved into the area bringing light rain, some thunder and lightening and pea size hail. The foothills were covered with snow from the snowfall during the night. By mid-morning today we began to see snowflakes mixed with rain and temperatures hovering just above freezing in town. But a little snow and cold weather was not going to stop a special graduation for us folks from Colorado.

    My youngest granddaughter, Madie, had her graduation today along with nine other students. All of these kids have come a long way to walk these stairs and receive their diplomas. It wasn’t easy an path. Each one of the students shared something personal about their experience at Centennial so there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. Thank goodness for autofocus. Congratulations to Madie and her classmates. Madie now moves on to a junior college this fall with a full ride for her first year. She then plans to transfer to Colorado State University. Did ya notice her smiling in every image?