I like spending time along the edge of marshes to observe and listen to the different waterfowl. My only complaint is the bugs but the bugs are why the birds are here. Seems we have to have both. This is a Cinnamon Teal. A beautiful bird in my eyes. Breeding males have a red eye, long dark bill, and mostly vivid rusty plumage, with brownish back, white underwing. Female, immature, and non breeding male are mostly rich brownish overall. All adults have sky-blue patch in open wing, similar to other teal and shovelers. I don’t see them often because their populations have declined since 1968, according to the North American Breeding Bird Survey, and they do prefer large permanent marshes, which I do not have near me.1 All information is from All About Birds by Cornell Labs I highly recommend you check out the link below to All About Birds and see their collection of photos of their wing colors.
Silent Waves of Fog
low lying clouds
sea of suspended water
silent waves of fogHad a short night of sleep but slept sound for most of it and feel rested. Headed out early and discovered a bit of fog on the eastern plains. A world of clouds and haze until the sun burns it off. Very humid and cool morning with 96% humidity and 57 degrees. It is fascinating to watch fog as it changes and moves like a wave ever so silently and quickly. Fog does not hang around for too long. It is a cloud at the earth’s surface. A wave moving over bales of hay.
A touch of pink in this image as the sun is about to rise behind the low clouds in the east. We are seeing fields of both the ripening wheat and three foot tall stalks of corn. Farmers are irrigating the fields of corn so lots of surface moisture to generate the fog. Where I’m standing is a ditch full of gurgling water, almost like having my own little stream. Have a great day!
Beginning With Wonder
Awareness of the Divine begins with wonder.
Rabbi HeschelUnknown to me, White-faced Ibises wander through our area during the warmer months of breeding. I do not know that I’ve ever seen them before simply because I pay more attention to this book of nature now. In fact I enjoy reading it. I just sat and watched them with wonder. I found these birds along Weld County Road 13 in a marshy area with no name on any map I could find. Both images from Saturday afternoon.
I knew that….
Cold December morning Sunrise near my condo This image was taken this morning as I walked to the bus stop. It is a wet area along Spring Creek with cattails and tall grass. It is located behind the Walgreens and some apartments. When I first moved here almost 20 years ago I would see foxes, raccoons, deer and lots of birds in this area but not any more. We have disturbed them enough that they’ve moved to other areas.
I had my annual physical this morning. It was a year ago this month that I had my heart surgery and things seem to be fine. Doctor gave me a thumbs up on my blood work and my heart sounds good. His only suggestion for improvement was to lose some weight. The thing is I knew he was going to say that because he’s right. More walking and less sugars seems to be the suggested remedies. I knew that, too! I suppose that means no more chocolate eclairs. Sigh!