• coffee life,  fountain pens,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    A Grateful Heart

    “Union with God is not something that needs acquired but realized.”

    Martin Laird

    It has been overcast and cold all day. After quiet time and a bowl of cereal I took the bus and walked to Mugs for my mocha which helps me get in my steps and exercise. I was greeted with a big smile from my barista, Jess. Met with high school classmates for our monthly lunch today then met with a friend at 1:45 pm at my place. Had a wonderful phone call with Duane after that. And, maybe snow later tonight.

    I have been reading from a few new authors, and enjoying them, as well as rereading some books. I’ve found it true that we never read the same book twice. And, now that the colder weather is here I will probably be reading more. I have a couple more books coming from new authors which I really am excited to read.

    As I look at this image I realize that it depicts how I’m living my life now. It includes my coffee life, my journaling, my reading and in the background, my camera. The coffee life provides a social outlet for me, time with friends and making new friends. It is not just about the mocha latte, although that’s an important part of it. Journaling is my way of documenting what is unfolding in my day, to continue to ask deep questions, and enjoy the pleasure of writing with fountain pens. It is also a letter to myself and the union with the Divine within me, what Meister Eckhart calls the Ground of my Being. And, I see books as seeds of discovery that hopefully take root and bring transformation within me so that I can become all that I was created to be. The hidden part of my life that is not seen in this image is my camera. It is through photography that I have come to see the world with the photographer’s eye, while accepting all the gifts of living this life. And, finally the essence of this image depicts some of the tools I use on this Spiritual Path I’m walking. Yes, I have a grateful heart this evening. Stay warm!