“I think the tragedy is that we have a Congress with a Senate that has a minority of misguided senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from even voting.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., 1963
Had a short night of sleep so I’m feeling tired and down. Not much ambition or drive. Decided to go out to the Arapaho Bend Natural Area. Found a bit of blue sky and clouds to lift me up. Glad I went when I did because it is now cloudy and overcast.
It is Martin Luther King, Jr Day and many people are posting his quotes. I’m one of them. But, fifty years ago he was not all that popular a man and even labeled a communist, a radical and even dangerous. Prophets who stand up to injustice are treated as such. Some pay with their lives. May we have more prophets like him. I’m not capable of expressing my feelings about the brokenness of this country, because sixty years after he made this statement we still have a Senate that does not represent the people. Sigh!
On a positive note, today is my dads 93rd birthday. You can look at that as 93 years or 33,945 days or… I am grateful he’s as healthy as he is. I’m not able to be with him but sent him a text message with a virtual cake. My sister and brother-in-law are taking him a real cake so all is good! Happy Birthday, Dad! I love you!