• coffee life,  latte art,  love,  quotes

    I’m still learning

    Had I been given a clear definition of love earlier in my life it would not have taken me so long to become a more loving person. Had I shared with others a common understanding of what it means to love it would have been easier to create love.

    bell hooks

    Like many of us when we were young, love was an object to grasp. As I’ve grown older, gained some experience, love for me is now an action word, no longer an object just out of my reach. I’ve discovered it is a part of my very essence, who I am. I’ve discovered that it asks to be given away without any conditions and without any expectations of receiving anything in return. It’s easy to tell someone I love them and believe I love them but it’s another thing to actually love. Slowly but surely I’m learning about this action word called love.

    As a side note the boots from yesterday’s posted image are no longer there.

  • coffee life,  journal

    Special touch

    Latte Art

    I enjoy the special touch the Bean Cycle offers with my mocha. After adding the mocha and espresso in the cup they begin pouring the steamed milk. When the cup is about a quarter full with steamed milk, they stop and sprinkle a dash of chocolate powder on top of the already poured milk. Next they fill the rest of the cup with more foamed milk adding those two or three hearts, showing their craft. To me the chocolate powder adds a tough to the looks and I love how the powder mixed with the foam sticks to my mustache. ❤️ So, sometimes I start my morning with this gift. Seems to make the day run smoother. I hope I was able to fully espresso how they make this special touch.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  journal,  latte art

    Flat Tire

    I’m now sitting in a coffee shop across from the tire store. I had to change a flat tire this morning on my way to the natural area. So, I drove over here to get it fixed. Surprisingly this is the first flat on this car in the 11 years I’ve had it. No one to blame I tried to make a u-turn and ran up on the curb. Put a good sized hole in the tire and hope I did not destroy the rim. The mocha latte is good and I didn’t get my pants dirty. Not how I wanted to start this day but I’m adjusting. I needed to have new tires put on before winter and so now is probably the time to do it.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

  • fountain pens,  journal,  writing/reading

    This is not unusual…

    It’s approximately a 40 foot walk from my front door to my car. This morning I had a half dozen thoughts racing through my head and at least two conversations by the time I reached the car. This is not unusual. Nor do I want these thoughts to go away, they are part of my humanity. However, what I desire is to let them pass on, allowing me to stay present to this world I am a part of. On those mornings when I do stay present, letting those thoughts pass on, I receive the gifts offered in being awake. When that happens I notice the squirrel hanging upside down on the tree, their eyes silently fixed on me. Or maybe I notice the small dew-drop globes of the spider’s web reflecting the morning sunlight. Or I notice the multicolored leaves-of-fall blanketing the grass. And, if I listen I can hear the jeers and clicks of a nearby blue jay. Those mornings when I stay present are so much more enjoyable to me. Today was not one of them. However, I think I was much more present to the mocha latte.

  • Art,  coffee life,  coffee shops,  latte art,  musings,  writing/reading

    A “to-do” list

    I’ve noticed how several of my baristas, as well as other people, will often ask me what I have planned for my day. Some days that’s easy to answer because I do have a list of things. While other times that’s not as easy to answer because I have no to-do list. It got me to reflect on that what am I going “to be” today appeared more relevant than what I was going “to do.” So, in my journal I wrote answers to the question, What sort of human will you be today, Monte? My writings brought up some interesting thoughts. You can laugh at these, discount them, add to them or stop reading this post and get on with your day’s to-do list. Either way here is a short and incomplete list.  

    I want to be kind, loving, fully present, virtuous, reflective, forgiving, open minded, honest, prayerful, happy, my true self, caring, thankful, respectful, and a listener. I see that most of this list is my life lived through my attitude, intentions, and approach to life. Now the following list are roles that I can strive to do through my actions and efforts: to be a photographer, a writer, a creative, a student and the best son, brother, father, friend I can be. Seems it may be we need to be and do.

    There is no simple answer to this question except maybe “to be all that I can be”. Yet, I cannot be any of those without putting some action to them, which means a “to-do” list that includes how I approach living my life. Another good question to ask myself is if am I thinking about what I could do for others, what I could pack into the stream of life or am I just thinking of myself? Thanks for listening to my ramblings this morning, if you did.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    While the city still sleeps…

    The God of creation goes on creating us.

    Joan Chittister

    I awoke early this morning, way too early. Unable to go back to sleep I made a pour over then headed to Pineridge Natural Area. I would spend the next hour and a half in this sacred place while the city still sleeps. A couple of baby cottontails dashed across the road when I pulled into the parking area. After parking the car I could see the silhouette of bats darting in the dim light feasting on insects. A croaking frog belted out from the shallows of the reservoir. The meadowlarks now share their songs of joy. I had maybe an hour before sunrise so I moved to the north end of Dixon Reservoir because nature was gathering a few clouds in the northern sky. After taking a few predawn images I moved to a spot along Dixon Canyon Road and set up my camera looking out over the reservoir where I wanted to watch and photograph the sunrise. As I left this sanctuary an hour later the clouds had filled the sky and the beauty of the new day’s sunrise was more than I expected. This is one of the predawn images and I will post one of the sunrise images later. Next I had a wonderful conversation with Dan and an Old Town mocha latte at Mugs coffee shop. It has been a lovely morning but I do believe there will be a power nap later today. May you have a fabulous day!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  Humor,  latte art

    Wiser and Handsomer

    Made a visit to the Bean Cycle coffee shop this morning. I am not sure the last time I was there but it has been a long time. I patronize a couple other coffee shops that have a more appealing ambiance and are less expensive. However, I felt at home when I walked in and was greeted by a barista I did not know. Always good to meet a new face. She did a good job with my mocha.

    Today I add another number to my accumulations of birthdays, which means I probably am getting wiser and handsomer. 😂 On a serious note, I awoke after a good night’s sleep, had quiet time then the visit to the coffee shop. I will have Thai lunch with my youngest daughter (maybe both of them) later today. Hope you have a great day!