My online journal where I share my interests in photography, nature, coffee life, journaling, fountain pens, bicycling, spirituality and asking deep questions.
The resistance to the unpleasant situation is the root of sufferings.
Ram Dass
Here’s Alyssa’s latte art. Not bad at all and tasted delicious. I have switched to ordering their smaller latte, going from a 12 oz. cup to a 6.5 oz. cup. Same amount of espresso so it provides more coffee flavor and reduces the amount of chocolate and milk. I find it a more pleasant coffee experience, so no suffering as I enjoy Alyssa’s latte art. Expecting a warm trend but still 13 degrees this morning. Have a great Sunday!
“Hope is not about proving anything. It’s about choosing to believe this one thing, that love is bigger than any grim, bleak shit anyone can throw at us.”
Anne Lamott
I began writing this post yesterday after returning from the coffee shop where I enjoyed the above mocha latte. Felt the need to write with this keyboard and not just in my journal or bring what I journal to these pages more. Anyway…
After quiet time I drove to Pineridge Natural Area to enjoy the predawn colors. I never took my camera out of the bag but sat in the silence taking in as much as I could. Guess you could call it recharging. The eastern sky was cloudless with the exception of one fluffy patch to the north. They predicted snow to begin overnight and continue into today. They were right on as it is snowing now.
I’ve read a couple of Anne Lamott’s books and find her able to express in words some of the bleak shit of my life experiences better than I can. But, I also find that true with other authors I quote on this blog. Not everyone will relate to their words or mine and I’m beginning to feel comfortable with that. Hoping you can bare with me as I continue to put my words and images out into the cyber world. And hopefully you may notice some improvement in both my writing and photography. After all, my barista did not make latte art like this on her first attempt.
To continue with the coffee shop theme from yesterday’s post I thought I’d mention one other factor that entices me to coffee shops. At most of the shops I patronize there is usually some pastry, breakfast sandwich or breakfast burrito as part of their menu. Almost every morning the Starry Night Espresso Cafe has a tray of freshly made scones on the counter. The aroma from these fresh out of the oven lemon cranberry scones filled my nostrils as soon as I walked in. They place them on the counter right in front of you so when you order you have no choice but to make eye contact with them. (Yes, they do stare.) And, they’re warm enough you can watch the icing dribble down the sides! Yes, there are other factors to my coffee shop excursions besides a mocha latte. Thank you Alyssa for baking the scones and making my mocha latte this morning!
For me photography is to place head and heart and eye along the same line of sight. It’s a way of life.
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Cold mornings have kept me snuggled under covers rather than braving the cold at one of the natural areas to greet the sunrise. I’m gonna need to change that attitude and spend time with nature, otherwise you will probably see more images of coffee cups, which could get boring quickly. I must admit sitting in one of the soft cozy chairs with a mocha latte and a good book is good for the soul, and warmer. However, I also need to be touched with the spirit of nature, in the cold. Looks to be cold for the next few days so we’ll see how often I am able to lift off those heavy covers. After all, photography is a way of life for me.
Catbird From one branch to another, or across the path, he dazzles with flight. Since I see him every morning, I have rewarded myself the pleasure of thinking that he knows me. Yet never once has he answered my nod. He seems, in fact, to find in me a kind of humor, I am so vast, uncertain and strange. I am the one who comes and goes, and who knows why. Will I ever understand him? Certainly he will never understand me, or the world I come from. For he will never sing for the kingdom of dollars. For he will never grow pockets in his gray wings.
Mary Oliver
This is the last part of a poem by Mary Oliver called Catbird. I relate to this part of the poem because I have experienced such moments with Goldfinches, Robins, and Chickadees. I especially like where she writes, “Since I see him every morning, I have rewarded myself the pleasure of thinking that he knows me.” Yes, I talk to birds!
It is a cold fall morning with 43 degrees. I saw where Berthoud Pass had an overnight low of 18 degrees, so it’s actually warm here. After yesterday’s winds the cloudless skies are beautiful. This mornings full moon cast shadows across the meadow at the natural area. Now a mocha latte. Have an Awesome day!
simple recipe frothed milk and espresso gift of latte art
With overcast and smokey skies this morning I headed to the Bean Cycle for a latte and journaling. My barista, Devan, made a very attractive mocha with her artistic touch. I like how she sprinkles chocolate powder about halfway through pouring the milk then finishes with her latte art. Again, I took this image with that old camera and I think the image turned out decent. But, the mocha tasted perfect. Happy Sunday!