• clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  sunrises

    The Morning After

    I was awakened around 2:00 am with flashes of lightning bursting in my bedroom. I could hear and feel rumbles of thunder while the rain pounded on my bedroom window. Sounded like one of those storms my dad would call a toad-strangler. I layed there with a heart full of thanks, thankful for the comfort and protection of my condo and how rain is such a refreshing gift of nature. In my mind I envisioned a predawn eastern sky with scattered clouds above the horizon, perfect for a photo. ❤️ A couple hours later with that vision in my mind I headed out to Pineridge Natural Area. So, when I say morning after in the title I’m talking about the thunderstorm and not any overindulgence from the night before. Thankful those days no longer exist in my life. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    A Feeling of Joy

    In the dim predawn light I watched bats darting about, snatching mosquitos out of the air. Amazing to watch their agility and quickness. I made my way to a favorite rock, set up my camera and tripod then sat down on the rock. This rock sits low to the ground so I’m almost in a squatting position. I settle into being a part of this natural area and not just its observer. Beauty surrounds me: the bluestem grass rising above my head, blue-gray colored sage, yellow prairie sunflowers, yucca plants, yellow blossoms of the cactus, rabbitbrush and the white blossoms of milkweed. The air is cool, refreshing. A couple goldfinches blast past me as a silent yellow blur. Mosquitoes annoyingly buzz around me but they do not bite. A pack of coyotes begin howling to the south of me as they coordinate their hunting efforts. I watch a solitary Canada Goose lead the way in front of two paddle boarders, all three making waves across the reservoir’s surface. The sun breaks out above the clouds that sit along the eastern horizon. The arrival of the sun seems to excite a meadowlark and they begin to joyfully sing. I rub one of the stems of the sage brush between my fingers so I can take its spiritual fragrance with me. The spirit of this place stirs a song and prayer within me, it’s called morning prayer, it’s my lauds. Grateful I came to this intimate meeting in this sanctuary. I feel the same joy as the meadowlark. I will meet Brett later for coffee and conversation. Have a great day!

  • haiku,  Humor,  journal,  journaling,  musings,  writing/reading

    Morning Musings

    blue pen, blue ink
    words fill pages of journal
    morning musings


    Welp! Yesterday was Friday the 14th with a touch of Friday the 13th in it. Let me explain. The coffee shop I wanted to go to was not open when I arrived at 7:00 am so I went down the street to one that was open. When I arrived at the second coffee shop I noticed I’d forgotten my Fitbit/watch. No problem. When I got home I noticed I’d left my phone at the coffee shop. No problem. Later in the afternoon I stopped to look at one of the new e-bikes, that’s in my price range. Bending down to look at the belt drive I bumped my head on their rack. Hurt like hell! I cursed profusely! Began bleeding so I went to the ER to have it looked at and because I’m new to this blood thinner stuff. Now we have a problem. I had to have staples put in my noggin and a tetanus shot. Will have the staples removed in 5 days. I then stopped and got a DQ blizzard on the way home for any pain I may have. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I then stayed on my porch the rest of the day and kept all sharp objects at a distance. I took a shower this morning, gently washed my hair and then gently combed my hair. Will need to watch that for the next few days. Put on a crockpot of vegetable soup and will enjoy that later today. Hope you enjoy your day!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  silence,  sunrises

    The morning begins…

    Predawn at Pineridge Natural Area

    … as I unintentionally wake at 3:54 am. Wide awake I decide to get up. I made a trip to the bathroom and then settled into my prayer and meditation time. Ate a quick bowl of cereal, made a chai latte and headed out the door in anticipation of this day’s offering. The sun was not up yet but soon would be. I wanted to be at Pineridge Natural Area for pre-dawn light and sunrise.

    Sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area

    Nature has so much to offer us this time of the day with its creative beauty, the silence, the solitude and witnessing the miracle of a new day. When we allow it, it touches the soul. Clouds presented warm pink and orange colors to entice the eyes. Meadowlarks and robins greeted me with beautiful songs of love. One meadowlark who seemed very excited, sang to me the whole time. I watched a Great Blue Heron wading along the shore who was soon joined by four more. I assume all were in anticipation of breakfast.

    Sunrise and light fog at Rolland Moore Park

    From there I headed east towards Arapaho Bend Natural Area in search of possible images of fog and morning light. This is an area that sits along the low lying land of the Poudre River, usually rich with fog. But, as I drove by Rolland Moore Park I could see the sun bursting through trees, casting light across the wet grass and its rays lighting up the fog. Distracted now, I quickly pulled into the parking lot and grabbed my camera and tripod. Again, I was given a lovely gift of golden light, shadows, and the sparkling wet grass. Grateful I was there!

    Sunrise and reflection at Arapaho Bend Natural Area

    By the time I arrived at Arapaho Bend Natural Area the sun had burned off most of the fog. Since the wind blew yesterday the skies this morning were clear and bright. A group of pelicans and Canada Geese were kind enough to share this sanctuary with me. I stood along the shores of the pond, which are reclaimed gravel pits, and let everything soak in, taking in deep breaths. What I experience in these early mornings may seem strange to some but it is my life. I am filled with gratitude! I then moved on with my day in anticipation of the possible gifts yet to come. And one of those gifts is the coffee shop for a mocha latte.1And when I got there (Starry Night) they had just made their chocolate chip/chai scones. They do not make them very often so I had to have one. Hope you enjoyed a peek at my morning images. Have an Awesome day!

  • gratitude,  Plants,  silence



    “The simplest spiritual discipline is some degree of solitude and silence. To be with our own thoughts and feelings is probably the most courageous act most of us will ever do.”

    …and the sun has been shining most of the day. However, when I left the condo this morning for my chai latte a massive cloud bank sat along the easter horizon hiding the sun. It finally broke above the cloud bank about 8:00 am and immediately began to warm and brighten our day. People were out enjoying this beautiful day. Parking lots to the natural areas were full this afternoon. Now the long late afternoon shadows have faded into the coming darkness as the sun sets and the feeling of cold surrounds me. I’m in for the night to read and post these simple words. Hope you had a good weekend and pray you have a good week.

    Saw a bumper sticker today that I liked and it made me smile. It’s a bit different than its cousin by one word. It says, “Make America Grateful Again.” I’m not so sure either grateful or great are the best words but I would like to have our country be known as grateful rather than great.

  • clouds,  John O'Donohue,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  poems,  sunrises


    Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,
    May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.

    As the wind loves to call things to dance,
    May your gravity be lightened by grace.

    Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,
    May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.

    As water takes whatever shape it is in,
    So free may you be about who you become.

    As silence smiles on the other side of what’s said,
    May your sense of irony bring perspective.

    As time remains free of all that it frames,
    May your mind stay clear of all it names.

    May your prayer of listening deepen enough
    to hear in the depths the laughter of god.

    John O’Donohue

    Another cold morning of 5 degrees at 6:30 am. Sometimes on mornings like this I wonder if I need to move to a warmer climate. Then realize we really do not have days like this very often. Even though you may hear me whine I still can manage to rise before dawn, have my quiet time then go to sacred places to experience the predawn light and sunrise or meander to a coffee shop or both. I live a good life with all its difficulties and joys. I have much to be grateful for. And when I do hear myself whine I am able to listen deeply enough to hear and experience God laughing with me and within me. I’m then not as cold. The image is pre dawn light at Pineridge Natural Area taken last week because this morning I only meandered to the coffee shop. 😂

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

    Early Mornings

    I pulled into the parking area right at 5:00 am. Sun would not rise for another 20-30 minutes. No one else there but the song birds, a couple pelicans, and a few ducks. A warm light breeze blew from the southwest. Nary a cloud in the sky. I felt the presence of creation around and within me. These early mornings excite my spirit! I feel alive. Have a great day!

  • Annie Dillard,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    Try to be there…

    “The answer must be, I think, that beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them. The least we can do is try to be there.”

    Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek

    These are the predawn colors at Pineridge Nature Area this morning. A strong wind was blowing from the north, robins were singing and magpies were squawking. At first one may think the magpies are complaining but I like to believe it’s their way to greet me in the morning. Just maybe they are thanking me for being there. After some journaling at the natural area I made my way for my morning mocha. They also thanked me for being there.

    Back home and clouds now fill the skies. A steady rain is being offered to our parched land and souls. This rain is welcomed, a wonderful sign of spring, so I have a thankful heart. Hope you have a great day and try to be there.