• insects,  quotes

    Discovered the fly

    “The Utah deserts and plateaus and canyons are not a country of big returns, but a country of spiritual healing, incomparable for contemplation, meditation, solitude, quiet, awe, peace of mind and body. We were born of wilderness, and we respond to it more than we sometimes realize. We depend upon it increasingly for relief from the termite life we have created. Factories, power plants, resorts, we can make anywhere. Wilderness, once we have given it up, is beyond our reconstruction.”

    Wallace Stegner

    I believe Stegner’s quote is valid for any place. Wilderness is always close by even in our cities but becoming smaller all the time. And we mistakenly call the elimination of these places development. Sigh!

    I noticed some Campanula rapunculoides, also known by the common name of creeping bellflower, in a greenbelt and canal area on a walk along Shields Avenue. I felt a closer look was necessary. After a few photos I spotted these mushrooms. Since I was already on my knees I decided they also needed to have their photo taken. I took three photos of the mushrooms and later discovered the fly is only in one image. Guess the fly wanted their photo taken also. 😁

  • Fujifilm X-T3,  Fujifilm XF35mm f2.0,  Plants

    Sunday Morning

    Mushrooms are alive and well

    Happy Sunday morning to you. Will have a busy day starting with laundry, lunch with my friend Dan and then meet up with Tom and Kathy Dills. Could be one of those days I eat too much. No hot dates scheduled, yet. 😊 

    Very pleased to see a lot of blue sky this morning. The Cameron Peak fire is still burning but winds are sending the smoke north of us. Yesterday, a storm system brought gusty wind conditions from 15-30 mph which promoted fire activity. Today, firefighters will add depth and expand fire lines around the 237 mile perimeter. Windy conditions and possible thunderstorms today will serve as a test of existing firelines. That’s from the Inciweb report this morning.

    Found these mushrooms outside Mugs at the Oval this morning. Knelt down for a couple shots, then felt my age as I stood back up. I sure ain’t as limber as I was last week. But, I’m confident there are enough young college kids around who would help an old man up.