On Wednesday afternoon we a series of rain storms build up along the Front Range then descend out on to the plains. Along with the rain came thunder, lightening and even pea size hail. After the storms moved out I decided to drive east for any cloud formations or rainbows. I found both. I did not need to go far as I found the rainbow along Prospect Ponds then later an enjoyable sunset at Cottonwood Hallow.
Brown Edges
The brown color of this leaf’s edges was the key to drawing my attention to it. My first thought was a dead leaf that had fallen and was mixed in with the greener leaves. But as I looked closer I realized it was only the edges of the leaf that were discolored.
My inquisitive mind wanted to know why this was happening, so a Google search was made and the following was discovered. Most commonly brown leaf tips or brown edges on leaves are caused by stress. This can be due to the plant not getting enough water, too little natural water falling, the roots are constricted and unable to reach out for water or the soil does or can not hold onto the water. Even though the plant is in stress I find beauty in it. I also find it interesting only one leaf is affected.
“Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses gratitude, humility and understanding.” A Walker
Sunset on Last Nights Walk
“And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.” Meister Eckhart
After the Fire
Last July there was a small fire at the Cathy Fromme Nature area and investigators determined it as caused by fireworks. I did not know anything about it until early fall when talking a walk out there. We made a revisit yesterday afternoon and found this image. It’s not a very appealing image but does show the devastation a fire can have. I will try and go back in a month or so to see what nature is dong in it’s recovery.
A positive note has been the prairie dogs. The city poisoned them about 3 years ago due to a plague. Well, yesterday I could hear them barking again which meansthey are moving back into the area. One of the reasons for the nature area was to provide a habitat for them, not eliminate them.
A Log and It’s Shadow
Took a walk this past Sunday along the Red Fox Meadows nature trail. Mostly cloudy day but so enjoyable and much needed time in nature to clear the thinking. It also provides the exercise my body and spirit need. I find it fascinating when scenes appear that catch my attention and become an image for me. I feel like a child discovering something new. Processed this image with one of the presets in Silver EFEX Pro. Made a tone curve adjustment then posted it.
“Nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond…” Wendell Barry
Along the Rivers Edge
Instead of taking my walk around the block I headed to the North Shields Ponds nature area. The Poudre River runs along the nature area and this is where I stopped and sat along the rivers edge. The clear skies made for wonderful fall colors. The soft sound of the gentle flow of the river was soothing. A good way to start the day.