• animals

    Oh, to be a squirrel

    Making Ete Contact
    Making Eye Contact

    Outside my condo is a squirrels nest located in the upper branches of a tree. I enjoy observing their daily life. At times I wonder what it would be like to be one of them. As aging causes me to slow down with aches, pops and cracks I’m envious of their enormous energy. They scurry everywhere, always on the alert for danger but living life to the fullest. Their day seems to be full of searching for food, chasing each other in a game of tag or claiming territory and chattering. Their beautiful fluffy tail that makes them cute and  is also works as a warm blanket for colder weather. They twitch those tails when they are scared, mad, uneasy, a predator is in the area and/or a way to leave their scent from their glands to other squirrels. The twitching of their tail is a way for them to get the message to the other squirrels that danger is around. It is my warning to keep my distance.

    They are not worried about mortgage payments, unnecessary wars, or what’s happening on facebook. After a busy day and the sun falls below the horizon they climb up to their nests made of twigs and leaves and curl up for the night. I imagine sleep comes quickly as nature rocks them to sleep. Yep, life is about living it a day at a time.

  • natural areas,  snow

    Frigid Morning

    The Trail

    I glanced at the clock, it said 5:30 am. The darkness of my room let me know it was cold outside, making the bed feel warm and inviting. The sun would be rising in an hour. I had plenty of time to dress and drive out to County Road 15 in search of a morning sunrise. I pulled the covers up, snuggled under the comforter and closed my eyes.

  • clouds

    Blue Skies

    Cloud Formations
    Cloud Formations

    “We are nothing without nature. I’m constantly inspired by it’s power, teachings, spirit and mystery. Nature gives me daily strength.”

  • natural areas,  Plants,  trees

    Depending on the Season

    Environmental Learning Center

    Windy outside. Has been for the past three days with gusts up to 45 mph. Definitely have to hang on to your hat. Yet, with the sun shining and comfortable temperatures, I took a walk. While walking I noticed something about the wind. The wind  that blows in the winter has a distinct sound as it blows through tree branches barren of all leaves. It is so different than summer winds where trees are clothed in leaves. Nature makes it’s own music depending on the season.

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  Camera Equipment,  leaves,  natural areas,  Nikon P7700,  Plants,  quotes

    Art for Today

    Natures Art for Today
    Natures Art for Today

    “Restore the spark of life by doing work that is deeply rooted in your soul.”

    Thomas Moore

    We are cold and cloudy this morning. It’s one of those days when you want to pull the covers up around your neck and dream a bit more. Once you crawl out of bed it becomes a day for making chili soup, maybe even homemade bread. I start a trip tomorrow so have things to do today before leaving.

    When spending time on a trail in one of our parks or nature areas I like to look for the art nature provides. And, no matter where I look I will find it. I enjoyed this scene because of it’s simple beauty but I know this scene will not be there tomorrow.I must enjoy it while it’s there. The constant work of nature will change it. An hour from now or by tomorrow more leaves will have fallen. The wind will blow away some leaves or move the leaves creating a different pattern. Rain and snow will change the colors and contrast. A squirrel may run along this log and alter the scene. Or maybe man will pick up the leaves and alter the scene. I will return at a later time to see how it has change. But, this was the art for today.

  • leaves,  Plants

    With camera in hand


    “…one is not really a photographer until preoccupation with learning has been outgrown and the camera in his hands is an extension of himself. There is where creativity begins.” – Carl Mydans

    True but we must have the camera in hand.