• coffee life,  Humor,  musings

    The Craft

    The craft of enhancing the morning drip coffee is an amazing thing to watch. The craft is a very important ritual for people as they bring perfection to their cup of coffee. (Of course this only applies to those who do not drink their coffee black.)

    Jeff pouring his coffee

    I watch the scientist in them add just the correct amount of sugar, cream, and honey. Then it must be precisely stirred, clockwise or counterclockwise or both and how many turns. Once that perfect chemical formula is attained, by observation or tasting, they add a sleeve to the cup and top it off with a lid. Interestingly some master this craft when not yet fully awake, or talking on their phone or chatting with their friend, who’s waiting their turn at their craft. Amusingly, some seem to even be mumbling, as if talking themselves through the process, or maybe offering up a pray. I often wonder, once they exit the door, do they remember any of the craft they have just been involved in? And, did they know I was watching?

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journal

    Words for this Blog

    I find this coffee life I live to be an interesting way of observing people. Arriving just as they open is usually the quiet time, it’s easier to journal or read before the busyness that moves in an hour later and people watching increases. The din rises with conversations and laughter. I watch friends meet and exchange hugs. I watch as people stand in front of the brewed coffees and have to make that early morning decision of dark or light roast coffee. I hear the blender crunch away as someone’s smoothie is being made. The bicycle rack begins to fill up. I jot down notes of what I see in my journal, knowing they may be words for this blog.

    In the morning I will have a broken tooth surgically removed. I will probably be in some pain so don’t expect me respond to comments or read your blog until Saturday. Prayers and vibes to the universe are welcomed!