• leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Things are wet

    You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment. Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land. There is no other land; there is no other life but this.

    Henry David Thoreau

    Things are wet. And, because of that photo opportunities were everywhere. So, I took my camera with me to get the mail yesterday afternoon. And by doing that I stayed present as I’ve learned there is no other life but this. No mail but I did return with a few images that depict our weather condition. Even has a tinge of fall to it.

    So I had an enjoyable, serene, quiet time of prayer and meditation this morning. Then a half hour later burst out in profanity at my phone. Shows I am a work in progress. It is a cold, humid, and misty morning. It’s the perfect morning for an Old Town Mocha at Mugs and made by my barista, Emily. Have a wonderful Friday!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  quotes

    A wonderful opportunity!

    Afternoon clouds along the Colorado Front Range

    God is the internal voice calling me to give myself to the fullness of life.

    Joan Chittister

    It makes no difference what we chose to call that internal voice. What matters is being silent enough to listen then giving myself to the task of living the fullness of life. It has been a learning process for me and a wonderful opportunity! Happy birthday to those celebrating their birthday on this leap year!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    Another Quote on Growth

    This mornings cold predawn sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area

    The people who help us grow toward true self offer unconditional love, neither judging us to be deficient nor trying to force us to change but accepting us exactly as we are. And yet this unconditional love does not lead us to rest on our laurels. Instead, it surrounds us with a charged force field that makes us want to grow from the inside out — a force field that is safe enough to take the risks and endure the failures that growth requires.

    Parker J. Palmer

    All these challenges, obstacles, and bumps that we encounter in life provide opportunities to learn, grow and alter directions in our life. What a gift it is to have people in our lives who accept us where we are and help us grow. My belief in this unconditional love is the hope and inspiration I grasp to continue on rather than wanting to run away. It is also my desire to love unconditionally. Hoping you all have a wonderful day and week!

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  Mary Oliver,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes

    …honor the world

    Photography by nature is spiritual considering, it comes from the darkness to show the light.

    Kevin Russo

    I was told the other day by someone that they no longer look my sunrise images. However, I’ve come to know that the beginning of a new day offers a unique sunrise, there is no other like it, and if I’m present to it then it’s another opportunity to live one more day. So for me a sunrise is a sacred moment, where we move from darkness to light. In a Mary Oliver poem called The Swan she writes, Of course the path to heaven doesn’t lie in flat miles. It’s in the imagination with which you perceive this world, and the gestures with which you honor it. My presence and the photographs I capture is my act of receiving this morning’s predawn sky and is my gesture to honor the world. I will probably keep doing that to my last breath.

  • Art,  quotes

    True Growth

    Loveland Sculpture Park – 2012

    “There is nothing more important to true growth than realizing that you are not the voice of the mind – you are the one who hears it.”

    Michael A. Singer

    Over the years I’ve become aware of the idea that I am not the voice of my mind. However, this awareness is only the beginning. Each day is an opportunity to learn more of this truth about my life. I also learn from watching others who are not who they are but believe the voice of their mind. The practice of meditation is helping me in letting go of, or identifying with, the voices and thoughts. I then can carry that practice into all areas of my life. Maybe true growth is the awareness of this and put it into action. It is a beautiful day here in Colorado. Hoping you have a wonderful day!

    I have about 10 drafts in my post sections. I either need to finish them or delete them. So you may see some posts that are not stellar writing but appear here because of my decision to rid myself of drafts. 😂

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  reflections,  sunrises,  sunsets,  Uncategorized

    A Good Decision

    Each decision we make, good or bad, offers an opportunity to learn.


    This morning as I stepped out of my car and loudly shut the car door, I startled two Great Blue Herons feeding along the banks of Dixon Reservoir. As they flew away I realized I was rushing into this scene, looking for the image rather than being there. So, I took a deep breath, relaxed and watched the sunrise unfold, which brought a smile to my face. That was a much better decision than when I arrived. Lesson learned. Weather forecast is predicting 72 degrees today. Enjoy your Saturday! 1The decision to write this post was inspired by my friend Deb.

  • clouds,  desert,  landscape,  sunrises,  writing/reading

    What are the gifts of new days for?

    Predawn light along Peralta Trail, Arizona – 2016

    The gift of a new day (I touched on that in Thursday’s post) always offers the opportunity for something new to experience that will only happen or begin on this day. I’m so much more aware of that than in my youth. So here is a list of some opportunities that pop into my mind as I write this post, which could be totally different next week. It’s short because I’m expecting each of us to add our own.

    So, new days are for writing our first poem, begin or finish our autobiography, face the blank canvas of our first painting, bake our first pie and be brave enough to eat it, write our first song or maybe just the chorus, take dance lessons or dance in the rain, find the courage to ask her out for dinner, give our granddaughter her first driving lesson, develop our fist black and white print, watching our first sunrise in the desert in a state of awe, running our first marathon or accepting the fact it ain’t gonna happen at this age, begin a new adventure as we are never too old, plant a vegetable garden, learn to ride a horse or a unicycle or snowboard, and the list goes on and on….

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area


    Joe had a post last week where he talks about accepting the gift of images rather than taking them or capturing them. I believe that’s true and evident in my photography. And then this morning I was reflecting on how I call myself a photographer as if it’s something I became through self will, practice, training, study, vision. While all of those are needed, maybe I need to see it as another gift where “I’m being given the opportunity to be a photographer.” 😍