• Dewdrops,  gratitude,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Dewdrop Ornaments

    “A mystic is anyone who has a gnawing suspicion that the apparent discord, brokenness, contradiction, and discontinuities that assault us every day might conceal a hidden unity.”

    Krista Tippett

    A light drizzle began falling this morning then changed to a wet snow. It stopped at about noon. It has been overcast and gray all day. I can easily see why people can feel down or depressed on days like this. I have felt its effect. I also feel a bit down as I have a friend who is in ICU from a heart attack and another one who has gone into hospice. It has been a struggle to accept where I’m at now in life and the weather and news have not helped.

    Yet, I watch as this precious moisture creates “dewdrop ornaments” that glisten and sparkle with the wind on the juniper outside my bedroom window. Nature is always offering us something to enjoy and so simple. I smile and am grateful.

  • Holiday Seasons,  lifestyles

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas
    Merry Christmas

    It is a cold Christmas season for us here in Colorado. We’ve had single digit temperatures for 3 straight days which means the daytime highs don’t get very high. Santa will earn his money this year. We may have a bit of snow on Christmas day. 

    I’m having Christmas Eve dinner with some friends then time with family Christmas Day. I hope you are able to be with family and friends, also! Merry Christmas to you.

  • Fujifilm X-E1,  Holiday Seasons

    A quick post….

    Tree Decorations
    Tree Decorations

    … then off to meet a friend for coffee and conversation. I will be taking down the tree today or tomorrow, so I thought I’d pst at least one image of the tree decorations. It seemed like the gift giving this year had a special meaning. My youngest daughter helped pick out gifts for my grandchildren so they were happy with what they received. I also did not spend much money this year as I did not have much money to spend on them. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.