• coffee life,  coffee shops,  fall season,  fountain pens,  journal,  journaling,  musings,  Photography,  quotes,  seasons,  writing/reading

    A Reason to Journal

    “With words at your disposal, you can see more clearly. Finding the words is another step in learning to see.”

    Robin Kimmerer

    I believe that each pen, or any writing instrument, is a tool filled with words and that it is the task of the writer to find them. And, I define a writer as everyone! We just don’t know it yet. Just pick up the pen and put it to paper. I also believe words are found in blank journals and it is the writer’s task to find them. If you don’t believe me then get a journal and pen and begin to write daily. The words may be just for you but they are there.

    This morning we had a light frost with the temperature around 30 degrees. By mid-morning the sun and bright blue sky had melted it away. It has been a quiet day for me. This afternoon I sat in my chair in the sunshine and let the sun warm me, inside and out. I watched the wind blow leaves across the yard, making that rustling sound as they danced in front of me. Now it is overcast and cooling down. My journals are my attempts to find words that describe such moments. and they also help me see such moments. It is a practice where progress not perfection is the task. I love what I see in this world so I use photography and my journals as ways to describe them. That’s my reason to journal and why I love my photography.

  • journal,  Mary Oliver,  quotes,  writing/reading


    Attention is the beginning of devotion.

    Mary Oliver

    I found this quote in one of Mary Oliver’s books called Upstream which is a book of essays. I’ve had the book for awhile and felt the need to start reading it. Her quote caused me to reflect on what has my attention and what am I devoted to. I’m pretty much devoted to photography since I have been searching for images for many years now. I am also devoted to my meditation practice. I am devoted to my daily quiet times, reading, and journaling because they have my attention. What draws your attention? What are you devoted to?

    Have a great Monday!

  • Art,  Art/Design,  lifestyles,  Plants,  trees

    The New Look

    Back on December 31 I wrote about changes I was having done on my condo. Thought I would post an image of what it is starting to look like now. I put up four new prints on the north wall of my living room last week. Nothing big, very simple and went with a tree theme since I like trees. You also get a look at the new vinyl plank flooring I had put in.

    In this second image I have turned to my left so you can now see the office, a second bookcase and the bicycle garage. What is new, besides the flooring, is the desk, bookcases and the two chairs. Pretty simple, quick and easy to clean.

    We received about 4 inches of snow here yesterday and into the night. Awoke to a brisk 9 degrees, clear skies and bright sunshine. The Cream of Chicken soup turned out awesome and was perfect for the snowy day. Will enjoy leftovers today.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  quotes

    Way of life …

    For me photography is to place head and heart and eye along the same line of sight. It’s a way of life.

    Henri Cartier-Bresson

    Cold mornings have kept me snuggled under covers rather than braving the cold at one of the natural areas to greet the sunrise. I’m gonna need to change that attitude and spend time with nature, otherwise you will probably see more images of coffee cups, which could get boring quickly. I must admit sitting in one of the soft cozy chairs with a mocha latte and a good book is good for the soul, and warmer. However, I also need to be touched with the spirit of nature, in the cold. Looks to be cold for the next few days so we’ll see how often I am able to lift off those heavy covers. After all, photography is a way of life for me.

  • frost,  landscape,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Unlock the Artist

    At the heart of all photography is an urge to express our deepest personal feelings – to reveal our inner, hidden selves, to unlock the artist. Those of us who become photographers are never satisfied with just looking at someone else’s expression of something that is dear to us. We must produce our own images, instead of buying postcards and photo books. We seek to make our own statements of individuality.

    Galen Rowell
  • landscape,  natural areas,  photographers,  Photography,  Pineridge Natural Area,  quotes,  sunrises

    The Right Lighting

    Sunrise at Pineridge Natural Area yesterday

    “The secret to life is to put yourself in the right lighting. For some, it’s a Broadway spotlight; for others, a lamplit desk. Use your natural powers — of persistence, concentration, and insight — to do work you love and work that matters. Solve problems. make art, think deeply.”

    Susan Cain

    For any photographer to return home with an image that we feel is a keeper, we must place ourselves in the right spot, at the right time, to find the right light. Photography as well as a spiritual practice have been the work I needed to help me to live life, solve problems, make art and think deeply. I think Susan is spot on. It’s 23 degrees this morning with clear skies and wind. They are predicting rain and snow this evening in the high country and a slight possibility for the foothills and plains. Hope you use your natural powers!

  • quotes,  shadows

    In The Shadows

    Where light and shadow fall on your subject – that is the essence of expression and art through photography.

    Scott Bourne

    Shadows always pull my attention to a specific point in an image. Shadows primarily hide features that may be better left unseen or slightly hidden. They for sure add a hint of drama, emotion, or mystery to an image. A bright sunny morning was perfect for providing these shadows on my front porch.

  • flowers,  Photography,  Plants,  quotes

    Maya Knows

    “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

    Maya Angelou

    Personally some defeats in my life knocked me down and I stayed down: defeated. Yet for some defeats I was able to get back up, try again, and more often than I want to admit, sometimes failed again. I remember when I labeled my defeats as who I was, a failure, and in many areas of my life. But, over time we do begin to grow up and with the help of others I’ve since learned I am not my failures. Each of those defeats has been a lesson in life when I pay attention and vitally needed for my growth. Maya knows what she’s talking about. Have a super Awesome Sunday!