It was a cool fall day yesterday. Sunshine, blue skies and scattered clouds in the morning then a few sprinkles later in the day. I did not sleep well on Friday night. Woke up around 12:30 feeling nauseous. The visit to my cardiologist this past Tuesday showed my blood pressure is now in stage 2, so he wants me to go on blood pressure meds. He wants me off the meloxicam because one of its side effects is increased blood pressure. So I stopped one medication and started another. Who knows what that is doing with my system. I took my walk to the east side of Reservoir Ridge Natural Area last night and arrived in time to see some pink in the clouds and waxing crescent moon. Have a great Sunday!
Pink and Gold
The most beautiful things in life are not things.
They’re people and places and memories and pictures.
They’re feelings and moments and smiles and laughter.I read yesterday something that resonated with me, “… nature heals. big time.” I know I go to nature for healing of many things. There is a solitude and silence there not found in the city. But the quote also caused me to reflect on things I do to help me move through any troubling state I can find myself in. When I feel anxious it’s time to walk or hike. When I’m angry or resentful I can let go of those thoughts by “taking a photograph.” When I get caught up in mental chatter I find relief through “meditation and quiet.” When confusion and the need for discernment ties me in knots then I can untangle myself through “journaling.” All of these simple things I can do at any place but nature is such a pull for me. Loved the gold and pink I found last night in these two images.
Brush Stroke of Pink
light brush stroke of pink
kisses clouds on canvas sky
a gift of natureScenes like this at Pineridge Natural Area are one of the perks for waking early. As I watched this miracle unfold I wondered what if would be like to lie in bed, snuggled under warm blankets, looking out at this scene each morning. Then I realized this awe and wonder moment I’m experiencing is because I’m standing there as a part-of nature rather than some observer laying in bed. The owl greeted me again, asking me “who-hoo” I am. Or, maybe they were asking me if I’m in touch with “who-hoo” creates these scenes each morning. I believe I know! I’ll be here again!
Follow Them
“The things that excite you are not random. They are connected to your purpose. Follow them.”
Susan RoderickIt’s Saturday morning. Arrived at the natural area shortly after sunrise. Birds were singing and in my imagination they were asking me why I was late. Then I wondered, maybe we’re never too late for those few moments when we are immersed in nature. So my answer was, I’m here now.
I wrote almost nothing in my journal over the past two days, a total of 8 lines in those two days. That is so not like me. Also aware of some feeling of depression, also not like me. Even my meditations has been a struggle. Seem to grab the commentary of my thoughts and run with them more than usual. And yet, there is a tug within me to enter into more times of quiet meditations,and so I did.
On a positive note I was given a gift that brought a smile and lifted my spirits when I returned form the natural area this morning. I watched two women get out of their cars at a coffee shop and share a long heartfelt hug. Both were brimming with smiles as they walked towards me. I told them how wonderful it was to see them hug and the emotions it seemed to have. I was told it had been a year and a half since their last shared hug. I’m hoping experiences like that will be the new normal. Those missing hugs are things that excite many of us.
Thanks for listening.
Pre-dawn Colors
This a pre-dawn shot of the Arapaho Bend Natural Area where nature gifted us with a palette of pastel colors before the sun rises. Hope you have a tranquil and serene day! -
Heading Home
Arizona Sunset We are heading home today, back to the colder temperatures. I have enjoyed the family time except for all the food I was forced to eat. I have also enjoyed the wonderful weather they have here in Phoenix. Tomorrow will be my pre-op appointment, blood draws and more explanation on what to expect with the surgery on the 5th. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving !
The defacing I posted a photo of this same dumpster on Apr 30th. I liked the bright pink and it has a powerful message with its color. Here is the another image taken 6 days later. As you can see, in less than a week, vandals, not artists, have disrespectfully scarred someone else’s property. Sad!
Pink Dumpster
Pink Shadows They are doing some construction work near my condo and have this pink dumpster for the trash and debris. It is eye catching so I grabbed a quick shot the other morning. Then, later that the afternoon I happened to see it with nice light and needed to stop again. I walked around it looking for any image that might appear. I settled on the shadows of the steps.