• landscape,  nature,  quotes,  silence

    It was time to go…

    Silence is somehow at the very foundation of all reality.

    Richard Rohr

    I was restless yesterday afternoon so I grabbed my camera gear and headed to Prospect Ponds. The wind has been blowing all day so I bundled up, but knowing I would not stay long. I’m too old to endure too much cold. I was pleased to find plenty of silence and very few people (smarter than me?). I met up with a couple of the park rangers and asked if they could shut off the wind. They laughed and told me they already did but it was going to take a few minutes for it to take effect. Wasn’t what I wanted to hear but I admired their quick response and humor. As I took this image of the ice patterns on the pond I realized how cold I was getting. It was time to go. Enjoy your Sunday and stay warm!!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  storm clouds,  sunsets

    The Spiritual Life

    Dark Ominous Clouds at Riverbend Ponds

    “The spiritual life, in other words, is not achieved by denying one part of life for the sake of another. The spiritual life is achieved only by listening to all of life and learning to respond to each of its dimensions wholly and with integrity.”

    Joan D. Chittister

    Life is all about change. For me it’s been those transformations from within, rather than my effort to be different, that really alter my life. I can only speak for myself but these transformations are from a life rooted with quiet prayer, meditation, solitude, detachment and a renewed connection with all of creation. My prayers are no longer pleading for help but ones of gratitude and questioning, mostly without words. Meditation teaches me to stay present and awake. Each of these has lead me to what I understand is a contemplative life. I enjoy the new eyes and voice I have. I seem to see all of creation with a new pair of glasses. My voice now includes writing, both prose and poetry. The only church I attend is in nature, which has no walls, places such as the Riverbend Ponds along Prospect Road. I like this spiritual life.

  • natural areas,  Photography,  Plants,  quotes,  reflections,  trees

    My Companion

    Morning moon over Prospect Ponds Natural Area

    The camera became my companion.

    Edward Weston

    There are times when I can be calm much like the water of this pond and at other times, well not so much. The challenges of living life can act like a fierce wind that creates internal waves. I’ve discovered tools to return to the calm and one of them is time in the silence of nature with a camera, taking deep breaths.

  • clouds,  lake,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  sunsets

    Time at Prospect Ponds

    Storm clouds at Prospect Ponds last night

    After the nice rain yesterday afternoon I ventured out to Prospect Ponds to check out the clouds. Pulled up in the parking lot and was met with a double rainbow in the east. I stayed a while and walked among the ponds. Watching a young man teaching his girlfriend how to fly fish. Listened to the red-winged blackbirds and watched them catching insects in flight. And, of course fought a useless battle with the mosquitos. I stood ready as storm clouds were building up against the western horizon offering the beauty of nature painting on it’s delightful canvas sky. 

    A double rainbow at Prospect Ponds

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  sunsets

    After the Storms

    Sunset at Cottonwood Hallow
    Sunset at Cottonwood Hallow

    On Wednesday afternoon we a series of rain storms build up along the Front Range then descend out on to the plains. Along with the rain came thunder, lightening and even pea size hail. After the storms moved out I decided to drive east for any cloud formations or rainbows. I found both. I did not need to go far as I found the rainbow along Prospect Ponds then later an enjoyable sunset at Cottonwood Hallow.

    Rainbow at Prospect Ponds
    Rainbow at Prospect Ponds