• Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  moon,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections

    The Beat of the Universe

    Full moon reflecting in Beaver Pond at Arapaho Bend Natural Area

    The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.

    Joseph Campbell

    My early goals were often set by parents, church, schools, society and hidden dreams. These goals set me on certain paths. Not everyone’s path is the same so realize I am only speaking about mine. 

    My parents instilled within me the goal to marry and have children. I did that. The church of my youth suggested I be a hellfire and brimstone preacher. Instead, I chose to raise hell. School offered me a couple goals: to be the hero at the football game, which never happened. And the other was to attain an education, build a career, and go into debt on a 30 year home mortgage, which did happen. Then, 20 years later I got a divorce, sold the home, changed careers, and was still unhappy in my career. 

    However, none of these goals nurtured the questions that were being asked within me; “Who am I? What do I have to offer the world? How do I make the world a better place? How do I participate in the world?” Once I entered my early fifties these questions began to shout for acknowledgement. Thus began the journey of discovering who I am, and who I am not. On this path I’ve uncovered a few things I do have to offer the world and believe there are many more yet to uncover. I am reevaluating my goals and their impact on others, nature and the universe. Seems Campbell may have narrowed it down, “to make my heartbeat with the heartbeat of the universe and live as if I am a part of nature.” I can see that as a goal and a prayer. May I live it!!

  • coffee life,  fountain pens,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    A Grateful Heart

    “Union with God is not something that needs acquired but realized.”

    Martin Laird

    It has been overcast and cold all day. After quiet time and a bowl of cereal I took the bus and walked to Mugs for my mocha which helps me get in my steps and exercise. I was greeted with a big smile from my barista, Jess. Met with high school classmates for our monthly lunch today then met with a friend at 1:45 pm at my place. Had a wonderful phone call with Duane after that. And, maybe snow later tonight.

    I have been reading from a few new authors, and enjoying them, as well as rereading some books. I’ve found it true that we never read the same book twice. And, now that the colder weather is here I will probably be reading more. I have a couple more books coming from new authors which I really am excited to read.

    As I look at this image I realize that it depicts how I’m living my life now. It includes my coffee life, my journaling, my reading and in the background, my camera. The coffee life provides a social outlet for me, time with friends and making new friends. It is not just about the mocha latte, although that’s an important part of it. Journaling is my way of documenting what is unfolding in my day, to continue to ask deep questions, and enjoy the pleasure of writing with fountain pens. It is also a letter to myself and the union with the Divine within me, what Meister Eckhart calls the Ground of my Being. And, I see books as seeds of discovery that hopefully take root and bring transformation within me so that I can become all that I was created to be. The hidden part of my life that is not seen in this image is my camera. It is through photography that I have come to see the world with the photographer’s eye, while accepting all the gifts of living this life. And, finally the essence of this image depicts some of the tools I use on this Spiritual Path I’m walking. Yes, I have a grateful heart this evening. Stay warm!

  • clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  sunrises

    A Snapshot

    Wisdom suggests new perspectives on ultimate questions: one does not “possess” wisdom but rather is possessed by it.

    Experiencing Spirituality

    On my way to Windsor to meet Eric this morning for coffee I stopped to accept the gift of this sunrise. A snapshot basically: the bright sun blowing out the highlights and showing the dust on my lens. I must admit I enjoy my drives through the country to meet Eric. Helps start the Saturdays. Hope you had a good Saturday!

  • leaves,  quotes


    But now I’ll have to go, for there is nothing to spare in the way of provisions. I’ll surely be back, however, surely I’ll be back. No other place has ever so overwhelmingly attracted me as this hospitable, Godful wilderness.

    John Muir

    I discovered a new word in some of John Muir’s writings, called “Godful.” At first I thought it was a play on the word grateful but then realized it’s his way of expressing the presence of God in all of nature. Some people may say these brown, orange and red leaves are dying with the autumn frost but I’m not so sure. Just maybe, as I’ve heard it said, they are just flowing through the current of life and those wonderful colors are a way of expressing their excitement in the new phase of life? Maybe the colors express Joy? Happiness? Could their colors and the frost be the expression of that word “Godful?” Well, I have no factual answer to any of those questions and a thousand other questions like them. However, as I experience and see the divine presence in nature I am drawn more and more to the idea of nature expressing itself to us. “Godful” I like that word.

    We have blue skies, sunshine and it’s cold. 🥶 Stay warm if it’s cold where you are and have a wonderful day! If there is a stupid rule that you can’t have a piece of chocolate cake before noon, I just broke it. 😂

  • Documentary/Street,  street photography

    Asking you to vote again

    Street scene on my walk home from coffee

    So, the question is multiple choice. Were the boots left on the porch because they were.:
    a. wet.
    b. muddy
    c. rank as hell
    d. All the above.

    I was awakened about 4:00 am by the lovely sound of rain tapping on my bedroom window. Weather app says we can expect rain throughout the day and cooler temperatures. May you have a wonderful day!

  • quotes,  reflections,  spirituality,  sunsets

    A question to ponder

    If we ever want to be happy, then, we need to move beyond the level of simple material satisfaction to the development of the spiritual dimension of what it means to be human. We not only need to find out what we do best and do it to the utmost. We also need to ask ourselves again why we were born. What is it that we have that the world needs and is waiting for us to provide?

    Joan Chittister
  • leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    What is my intention today?

    The intention of a photographer is to capture the beauty in places, obvious or hidden, in which modern age and technology cause us to dismiss.

    Kassadi Collins

    I suspect that each of us could walk around our neighborhoods for a half hour and find a multitude of images that we would call keepers. For it is my belief that nature is creating scenes at all times, just for the joy of it. We just need to look and see, just for the joy of it. Yet we can walk through the day with our technology close at hand and miss much of the beauty this world offers. Maybe we need to ask ourselves the question that Kassidi is referring to; What is my intention today?

  • journal,  journaling,  quotes,  writing/reading

    Vulnerable Writing

    Writing makes a person vulnerable. It opens you to public criticism, to ridicule, to rejection. But it also opens conversation and thought. It stirs minds, and touches hearts. It brings us into contact with our souls. So how can it possibly be a waste of time, an idle act, a mistake, a betrayal of truth? Who can possibly tell us not to do it?

    Joan Chittister

    I have two outlets for writing, my journal and this blog. Reflecting back, I believe journaling was a way to ask questions in hopes of understanding my confused life. I journal about my deepest fears, secrets, dreams, my spiritual journey, ask questions and use it as a way to put into words how I see and experience this beautiful world. Over time my journals have evolved into more of a letter/prayer addressed to myself, the Divine within me and my children. It has become an enjoyable daily habit.

    I also use this blog as a place of vulnerable writing. It is here I express my feelings and thoughts, use it as conversation to keep in touch with those who read my blog, and also attempt to put into words how I experience this world. I place myself in a vulnerable place when I post in both my words and images. I enjoy the risk.

    But, I also hear those voices telling me I can’t write, I have nothing important to say and only certain gifted people are writers. But, the truth is no one can tell us we are not writers. Today, I can say I’m grateful for these outlets on writing and the adventure of finding questions that lead to more questions. And so I agree with Chittister, writing makes a person vulnerable.