• leaves,  quotes


    For all the great thoughts I have read
    For all the deep books I have studied
    None has brought me near to spirit
    Than a walk beneath shimmering leaves.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    My walks over the past few days have been cooler and wet. The much needed moisture and a break from the heat is welcomed. I love walking in nature especially when green leaves are covered in dew from the mist. I was awakened during the night as thunder shook my room and rain tapped on my windows. I did not sleep well after that. This morning has been sunny but more storms later this afternoon. I also got in a nice bicycle ride while the weather was good. I will attend a friends retirement party this afternoon and probably overeat, again. Suspect a nap after that!! Enjoy your weekend!

  • coffee life,  quotes

    Extraordinary Freedom

    The range of the human mind, the scale and depth of the metaphors the mind is capable of manufacturing as it grapples with the universe, stand in stunning contrast to the belief that there is only one reality, which is man’s, or worse, that only one culture among the many on earth possesses the truth. To allow mystery, which is to say to yourself, “There could be more, there could be things we don’t understand,” is not to damn knowledge. It is to take a wider view. It is to permit yourself an extraordinary freedom: someone else does not have to be wrong in order that you may be right.

    Barry Lopez

    I’m about to push publish as I sit on my porch watching flashes of lightning and listening to thunder. We are receiving the gift of a refreshing and much needed rain. I watch and listen with a feeling of gratitude as it’s been hot and dry here. Hope you are enjoying your Friday! I started my day with the above Americano. And, Mr Barry López is spot on!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  natural areas,  quotes

    What love knows…

    “Love knows no color, no class or culture, no nationality or religion, but exists in all the above.”

    Steven Charleston

    I thought this image interesting because of the wet wooden planks on the foot bridge after an early morning rain. The high winds we experienced yesterday and last night did some damage but not as much as I expected. This morning on my way home from coffee shop I saw one tree and couple of fences blown down. Happy Sunday!

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  musings,  storm clouds,  writing/reading

    A Portrait of Nature

    Nature is a mirror in which I am reflected, because by rescuing this land from sad devastation [through recreating it in photographs], I am in fact trying to save myself from my own inner sadness.

    Mario Giacomelli

    This quote hits a sensitive spot because I am a witness to the sad devastation of nature. While out photographing the cloud formations during the afternoon thunderstorms this past week, I began reflecting on all the places I have photographed over the years which were free of signs of man’s intrusion. Sadly, I have been a witness to many of those scenes which no longer exist. Later, while studying this image I felt a feeling of inner sadness that someday this scene may be a housing development or warehouse or whatever. So, there is a stirring within me as the photographer Mario Giacomelli suggests, to seek out more portraits of Nature. She is so beautiful and as an artist she continues to create more beauty, while we destroy what she creates! And, I believe she is willing to have her portrait taken.

    I had never heard of Mario Giacomelli before. One reason is because the raw expressiveness of his images are not appealing to my style of photography. However, I will suggest this link for you read a bit about him and his photography. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!

  • clouds,  horizons,  landscape,  storm clouds

    And then it rained…

    On Wednesday morning, Geri mentioned in her comments that we have “amazing morning clouds down there.” I agree but I also think we have some amazing afternoon/evening clouds as well. The sky looked to be building up to the northwest so I felt a drive east into Weld County was needed. I got to watch a couple storms built up along the Front Range then move southeast. Clouds are a favorite subject of mine so I guess you could say I live in a wonderful place to photograph them.

    This second image was taken 30 minutes later and much further south. And, look how tall the corn is, 6 feet. The storm was approaching the city of Fort Collins, eventually dumping some heavy rains over the city then moving south/southeast. As I mentioned we had rain about 2:00 am and then again later in the afternoon. The Fort Collins Flood Warning map shows we had 1.5 inches in a 24 hour period with the two storms. And then last night I again watched as lightning flashed in my room and thunder boomed while rain pounded on my bedroom window. Not sure how much rain that brought. At the present we have clear blue skies and sunshine. I’ll take it. Have a wonderful Friday and be safe! ❤️

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  Art,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections

    Power of Art

    “This is the power of art: The power to transcend our own self-interest, our solipsistic zoom-lens on life, and relate to the world and each other with more integrity, more curiosity, more wholeheartedness.”

    Maria Popova

    Heavy rains this morning as I sat in my car at Pineridge Natural Area enjoying, listening, watching and journaling. I sat there for an hour as nature received it’s gift of life sustaining rain. We have had several days of 30-70% chance of rain which has provided beautiful skies. This image was taken Friday morning at Arapaho Bend Natural Area. I wonder if the power of art Maria is referring to in her quote is our observation of art, the partaking in the making of art or both. I am of the belief that I must be present to experience the power of natures art and thus be a part of it. Enjoy your Sunday!

  • Dewdrops,  Plants

    The beauty in small things

    Met Eric for coffee and conversation this morning, both were excellent. The rain/mist we’ve had all morning seems to have drawn people to the coffee shop. Baristas were busy and the din was up from normal. Good thing for the owners but does reduce the ability to hear. It’s also one of those days to take the time and notice the beauty in small things all around us. Hope you have a great day!