• John O'Donohue,  leaves,  Plants,  quotes

    Nature of the Soul

    Love is the nature of the soul.

    John O’Donohue

    Yesterday was my oldest granddaughter, Abbie, and Patton’s wedding. It was absolutely beautiful in so many aspects. They are in their mid twenties and seem very much in love and not just in the fantasy of their minds. They seemed so comfortable, relaxed and excited. A good time was had by all except for those of us who overate. 😂 May they grow in their marriage! I love you two! ❤️ I will be looking forward to seeing the wedding photos.

  • Dewdrops,  grass,  Plants,  quotes

    After the Rain

    A good photograph will prove to the viewer how little our eyes permit us to see. Most people, really, don’t see—see only what they have always seen and what they expect to see—where a photographer, if he’s good, will see everything. And better if he sees things he doesn’t expect to see.

    Leon Levinstein

    A light rain or drizzle dominated most of yesterday. It made my 54th class reunion picnic a bit cold and damp. A good time was had but I was still chilled a couple hours afterwards. Clear skies and sunshine this morning. The red fescue grass was bowing down from the weight of glistening raindrops begging to be seen and photographed.

  • leaves,  Plants

    So Refreshing

    Rainfall is an interesting natural phenomenon. Measuring how much rainfall we get is another phenomenon. I visit a website put out by the City of Fort Collins to see what has been measured in rainfall accumulation across the city. The city adds a disclaimer on the accuracy of the measurements but it does give some indication of how much rain we received. It rained yesterday afternoon and then began again early this morning. Plenty of lightning and thunder to go along with it. So, refreshing.

    Ever notice how green is always greener after a rain? And, yes, I’m still asking questions. 😁

  • Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  seasons


    Focus is on the raindrops and not the busyness beyond

    … we are receiving some much needed rain this morning. It began raining just after I went to bed. Sometime during the night I could hear it pounding against my window. Awoke to lovely puddles of water. The little boy within was enticed enough to want to jump in them.

    A light mist was falling as I walked to the bus stop. About an hour later it was a steady rain again. I sat in one of the lounge chairs at the coffee shop, looking out the window and watching the refreshing gift descending. Like snow there is a certain silence in gentle rain, when we pause and listen. I listened this morning. Everything smells fresh and new. I feel the coolness on my body and there is rejoicing in my spirit, even a giggle. Have a wonderful day!

    Looking out the bus window at transit center on campus

    “Let’s just sit quietly and listen to the secrets the rain wants to tell us.”

    John Mark Green
  • landscape

    It finally happened….

    On a wet and rainy day

    We have been spoiled the past three days with sunshine and temperatures in the 50’s. I even sat outside in the sun the past two days and journaled. I was amazed at the difference in our world when the constant use of machines is cut in half. I could sit there and here the wind blowing through the branches with perfect clarity since there was almost not background traffic noise. Many do not know what true silence is.

    This morning is overcast and much cooler. Rain mixed with snow is predicted for later this afternoon and evening. Already have one walk in and plan on a second early this afternoon.

    Just to let you know I did attack that pile of stuff in the corner yesterday and pretty much have it looking good. Threw a lot of it away. Yes, it finally happened.

  • coffee shops,  lifestyles,  quotes

    Treating it as a gift….

    Morning mocha at the Bean Cycle


    “With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” Dr. Wayne W Dyer

    A steady drizzle is falling this morning and the temperature is at 41 degrees. Tonight the low is expected in the high 30’s. Therefore I see the cold and rain as an opportunity and a justification for this mocha latte, as if I needed justification. It’s cold enough for many to be turning their furnaces on and some already have. When I arrived this morning at the Bean Cycle one of the bristas had his coat on. Yep, fall is upon us and I choose this opportunity to have a mocha and enjoy the gift.

    Spiderweb covered in raindrops outside my front porch

  • musings,  window

    My Mind Can Wander

    A refreshing rain began falling yesterday morning just as I was leaving a local coffee shop. When I pulled up in my condo it was pouring, so I sat in my car to wait out the rain. I found it peaceful for the next 10 minutes. As I sat there my mind wandered back to the coffee shop I had just left and to one of the regular customers there. 

    He sits at the same table almost 6 days a week from 7:00-10:00 am, reading one of the larger national newspapers, from front to back, and sipping on a large iced tea. Of course he is known by both the baristas and the customers. The other regulars will keep the table reserved for him in case he’s late and he has conversations with other customers on a regular basis. My wandering mind was thinking about how differently we spend our time in the coffee shop, and I imagine that’s true outside the coffee shop. I prefer spending my coffee shop time visiting with a friend, reading an uplifting book, writing in my journal,  and fighting the battle to spend as little time on the internet as possible but I almost never read the newspaper. I would rather fill my mind with positive images and thoughts, which is an unreachable ideal. A smile came across my face and I laughed at myself because my idea of coffee shop time would bore him, and probably many others, into a glazed-over-stupor. As I thought about it more, he’d also be bored sitting in my car listening and watching the rain. Sheesh, can my mind wander and not just when it’s raining! 🙂

  • grass,  leaves,  Plants

    After the Rain

    Water Drops After the Rain
    Water Drops After the Rain

    Both Friday, Saturday and into Sunday morning we had lite rain and mist, the gentle sort of rain that is hardly noticeable but everything is wet. The rain let up about mid morning Sunday. I could see the raindrops on the bushes outside my condo so I grabbed the camera to see what photograph may be given me.

    This past weekend was graduation so all around campus traffic was a mess and you might as well forget about finding a table at any restaurant. Needless to say there were all sorts of colorful umbrellas everywhere. More photo opportunities. 🙂

    I’m writing this on Sunday evening and scheduling it to post on Monday morning. And, the weather app is predicting more rain on Monday.  Hope everyone has a super Awesome week.