“Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation. They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul.”
Anne Lamott
Study Time in the Kindness Lounge
This is a common scene on campus. I probably could come home with a dozen such images each day I wander on campus. However, something interesting about this image is the lack of earbuds by this young lady. She is one of the few with them.
I took this image in the Diane Warren Kindness Lounge at the Lory Student Center. The lounge is a study area with a great view, fireplace and an interesting sculpture located outside the windows. It is usually quiet so it is perfect to finish your last minute readings.
My Life and more….
My role as an observer of an image is much different as I practice and mature with photography. I am grateful I’ve come to see the world with new eyes when I look through the viewfinder of my camera. I contribute this with time, practice and learning to be present to life. Likewise, my role as an observer of another person’s image has changed. There has always been the draw of colors, patterns and especially the light and shadows. But, the story an image expresses is becoming a greater interest within me.
I’m posting this image because it says something about me at this time in my life. It tells a story: it tells you I wear a favorite hat on an almost daily basis, it tells you I have established a routine of writing almost daily basis for many years using a small collection of fountain pens, it tells you I allow the words from sacred texts of many faiths, poets, mystics, and creatives transforms me as a person. And, since I’ve taken the image myself it tells how a camera is always with me and used as a creative tool and inspiration in my life. It says something about my life and more.
“Reading is like breathing in , writing is like breathing out . ” Pam Allyn
Quiet Place to Read
“What does it require to read a book? It requires time, quiet, patience, attentiveness to the written words, imagination and emotions.” Ilia Delio
Reading a book is experiential. The reader and writer merge within the pages. Each experience is unique. Enlightening. Transforming. Magical. Get lost in one, or found. Race through one or chew on one for weeks. And, reread one once in a while. We need books.
Reading the book of nature requires the same time, quiet, patience, attentiveness to its words, imagination and emotions. It is just as experiential. Enlightening. Transforming. Magical. Go for a walk. Meander through a nature area or around the block and read its words. We need nature.
Or, go spend time in nature, bring along a book, or two, and find a quiet place to read.
Love of Books
It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.
C.S. LewisI bought a kindle e-reader about five years ago and fell in love with it. It ignited a fire to read more. Prior to this purchase I read few books, 2-3 a year. Most of my reading consisted of reading books required for school assignments, books on spirituality/religions and a few photography books in my attempt to improve at the craft. I was never interested in novels and still that way. I may read a novel every couple years.
I now have an appreciation for books. I love spending time at the library (that’s where I’m at now) or a book store getting my hands of a few. One of the draws to the Bean Cycle Coffeehouse in Old Town is the nonprofit book store they have. Sometimes I’ll take my latte upstairs, grab a book and skim through part of one. I’ve bought one book from them and donated a few I’ve finished and do not want to keep in my library.
Reading Books
“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ― Charles William Eliot