• clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections,  sunrises

    Loving Energy

    January sunrise in 2006 – Arapaho Bend Natural Area

    The elders say that Creator is perfect loving energy. Within the realm of perfect love there is no judgment. If there is no judgment then there can be no failure. In turn, if failure does not exist, there is no unworthiness. We are all one energy. We are worthy and we always were. We never have to qualify. And ceremony was born to allow us to remember that.

    Richard Wagamese

    It is bitter cold here in Colorado, down in the single digits. I won’t complain because other parts of the country are colder. My hands and feet are cold, which seems to be the normal these days. I was supposed to meet my classmates for our monthly luncheon but cancelled that idea. I think I’d rather make a peanut butter and jelly (apricot) sandwich, place it in a paper bag then reminisce of the old days in the cafeteria where we would trade sandwiches. Remember? That will be my ceremony for today. Stay warm and safe!!

  • Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises

    What is possible between us…

    I can disagree with your opinion, it turns out, but I can’t disagree with your experience. And once I have a sense of your experience, you and I are in relationship, acknowledging the complexity in each other’s position, listening less guardedly. The difference in our opinions will probably remain intact, but it no longer defines what is possible between us.

    Krista Tippett

    I’m finding my task is not to argue or attempt to change another who has a difference of opinion. Nothing builds a wall faster in a conversation than where someone interrupts and tells another they are wrong or rolls their eyes. We miss out on a wonderful opportunity of a relationship. I am learning what is possible between us when we become listeners sharing our experiences. I believe Krista is correct!

  • Avian,  quotes,  reflections

    Love One Another

    Male mallard at the ponds

    “Love one another.” If we took those simple words to heart, we’d already be the Buddhas Jesus wanted us to be.

    Kathleen Dowling Singh

    Even though the world is in much chaos, love is still a powerful force in life. Love seems to be a constant in my readings and conversations. It may be that I’m more attune to love at this stage of my life. It may be because I spend more time in nature at this stage of my life. It may be that I am reading more poetry at this stage of my life. Maybe it’s because I’m coming to understand what love truly is. Maybe I’m really experiencing what it means to love one another, taking these words to heart, and all of creation. Oh, that more of us would embrace the power of love!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  sunsets

    The Real Questions

    Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone’s face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits…

    Henri Nouwen

    A few years ago I took up the practice of asking myself such questions. Even stopping during the day to ask them, especially if I was restless or irritable. It’s now become a regular part of my day. It requires me to be honest and thorough in this self-examination and maybe even bounce it off a close friend. It can turn the day around for me and others. I must confess I’m not as diligent with this practice as I would like to be. But, that’s why it’s called practice. It causes me to wonder what our world would look like if more people were to do such an inventory of themselves each day? I’ve come to believe these are the real questions everyone needs to ask.

  • bicycling,  clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  poems,  reflections

    Love and Respect

    How beautiful our mother, the earth
    And how worthy of our love and respect.

    Steven Charleston, Spirit Wheel

    I took a pleasant bicycle ride yesterday along Spring Creek Trail and the Poudre Trail. It was 31 degrees when I got up but we reached a lovely 70 degrees by mid-afternoon. Blue skies and a spattering of clouds brought a smile. I was not the only one out riding and walking. Just to my left was a women with a painting easel, sitting on a stool and an umbrella to keep the sun off while painting this very scene at the Cattail Chorus Natural Area. I agree with Charleston’s poem, we do have a beautiful Mother Earth and my prayer is we all learn to love and respect her. ❤️

  • bicycling,  fall season,  leaves,  quotes,  seasons

    Nature’s Tapestry

    In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks.

    John Muir

    I can just as easily replace the word walk in this quote with bicycle ride. As I rode through this one area I noticed a scene that I noticed a scene I wanted to photograph. I took several images but was not satisfied with any of them. I turned to get back on the bike and noticed this scene. It is a busy image but the colors, eclectic shapes and patterns caused me to squat down beside the water and accept the image. Because I took the time to stop and squat a woman walking by also stopped to see what I was seeing. She thanked me and we both smiled as we received nature’s tapestry. Taken on my bicycle ride yesterday along Spring Creek Trail.

  • fall season,  poetry,  reflections

    A Wonderful Start

    bicycled to coffee shop, indulged in a hot tea
    wonderful start to Sunday or any day

    now mid morning and sitting on my porch
    circled by an almost cloudless blue sky

    the seasons leaves of gold and yellow and red
    reflected in the azure blue sky of the pond

    yes, a wonderful start to Sunday or any day
