“You just have to live and life will give you pictures.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson
We all know a new camera or lens should improve our photography, right? Well, that did not happen after purchasing the Fujifilm X-E1. It seemed somethings were missing on some of my images. The image above is an example. I’m not sure what happened with this young (or old) ladies head. It’s gone! So, I called up Fujifilm customer service and talked to a rep. We tried reseting the camera. That didn’t help. It didn’t happen very often but as you can see it presents a problem. We both agreed the new updated software was probably not the problem. Since it was still under warranty I boxed it up and sent it to the service center in New Jersey.
I really needed to post this on April 1st but couldn’t wait. I did have to send in my X-E1 in for repairs but not because of composition. The EVF quit. Blank. Composition does become a challenge when the EVF is blank. I’ve been carrying the camera in a Fluid 18 backpack wrapped inside my rain jacket and that’s not enough protection. I’ve heard it thunk a couple of times. So, I now carry it in a Lowepro Photo Hatchback 16L This camera does not feel as hefty as my D300 so I think I need to handle it more delicately. However, I was impressed with Fujifilm’s service and turn around time. Had it back for a week now and it looks like my images still need some work. Maybe it’s the lens. Battery? SD card? Photographer?