You only get one sunrise and one sunset a day, and you only get so many days on the planet. A good photographer does the math and doesn’t waste either.
Galen Rowell
My time in Phoenix with my mother and then the 8 hour drive to Texas and back, was far more sedentary than I realized. I did not get in the steps like I needed so need to get back into a routine again. I’m sure more walking will increase also with the coming of cooler fall temperatures.
After a burst of lightning in Colorado over the past 48 hours aircraft from Colorado Fire Prevention and Control have spotted 37 small fires. We only have a couple that are of concern but the smoke is having a negative impact on our air quality. We will be dry and warm today with moisture arriving on Wednesday.
I received word yesterday afternoon that my dad and brother-in-law have tested positive for COVID-19. Both are tired and have little energy. My sister Marcee tested negative and my sister Sheree will test today. I’m scheduled for testing Thursday morning. Life is topsy-turvy right now. 😍
““Keep some room in your heart for the Unimaginable.”
Mary Oliver, Evidence: PoemsAn image from an afternoon walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area. I like the details in this image because I relied on a tripod rather than my image stabilized lenses. After, carrying the tripod over my shoulders for awhile I remembered why I normally leave it in the car. Also, this was not a planned image but one I accidently framed. Another image given to me, with details. Unimaginable.
I hadn’t visited this natural area in a few days. Loved that the grass was still tall along the trail and the grass they cut and bayled has begun to grow back and turn green again. I was surrounded by dragonflies and grasshoppers along the trail.
Joe had a post last week where he talks about accepting the gift of images rather than taking them or capturing them. I believe that’s true and evident in my photography. And then this morning I was reflecting on how I call myself a photographer as if it’s something I became through self will, practice, training, study, vision. While all of those are needed, maybe I need to see it as another gift where “I’m being given the opportunity to be a photographer.” 😍
Sunlit Grass
“No one else has access to the world you carry around within yourself; you are its custodian and entrance. No one else can see the world the way you see it. No one else can feel your life the way you feel it. Thus it is impossible to ever compare two people because each stands on such different ground. When you compare yourself to others, you are inviting envy into your consciousness; it can be a dangerous and destructive guest.”
John O’Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom - Camera Equipment, landscape, natural areas, Photography, Plants, Reservoir Ridge Natural Area, sunsets
Laughing at Myself
I decided to go on a walk to reservoir Ridge Natural Area with my older Fujifilm kit, taking the X-T10 and the XF 18-55mm f2.8-4.0. I needed to get in my steps and wanted to enjoy the beautiful evening. I chose the lighter kit because I wanted to carry less. I was surprised at the experience I had using my older camera. Embarrassingly, I’d forgotten how to use it and at times I was quite awkward, clumsy and confused. Found myself talking to myself, saying things like: Now why is it doing that? That’s not what I wanted. Dammit! Okay what did I do now? Sh*t! Spent way too much time fiddling with and talking to the camera. But so enjoyed laughing at and with myself. 😳
Anyway, I became aware of just how much progress had been made with the technology in the three and a half years from the introduction of the X-T10 to the X-T3. I quickly noticed how much slower the X-T10 turn-on time was. Then I noticed how much improvement there was in the focusing ability. The X-T10 was way behind in that area. Another surprise was the weight difference. For me the six ounce difference and overall physical size were much more comfortable using the X-T3. That, or maybe I’ve just gotten used to it. Anyway the X-T10 still does a good job taking images as long as the photographer does their part. Well, it will remain my backup and I got my steps in while laughing at myself.
Afternoon Walk
I had a quiet walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area yesterday evening. It was a hot and muggy day so I was sweaty by the time I returned to the car. May have to take my monthly shower a week earlier than scheduled.
It was also very quiet. In the hour I was there I only heard one meadowlark, far off in the pasture, a half dozen red-winged blackbirds chattering in a tree and this mourning dove, who was mourning.