• clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds


    Storm clouds in the south

    I enjoy the walking trail at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area because it is reasonably flat, has wide open vistas, lots of songbirds and healing silence. When I get to my rock-bench I usually find the silence I’m seeking. And, the silence I’m seeking is absence of manmade noise. I can sit there for 15 minutes with only the sounds of nature reaching my ears, which is music to my soul. Last Friday evening was one of those ever-so-silent times. Loved it. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July.

  • landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets

    the color of sunsets

    “Art is not simply works of art; it is the spirit that knows beauty, that has music in its soul and the color of sunsets in its handkerchief, that can dance on a flaming world and make the world dance too.”

    W.E.B. Du Bois

    This image is not what it looks like this morning. It rained almost all day yesterday and this morning it is overcast with prediction of rain later. It is the last day of May and yet we had snow in the mountains yesterday. I imagine a few Memorial Day camping trips and picnics are not turning out as planned. Some are probably were over early yesterday. Alternate plans today call for the grill to be fired up in the backyard under an umbrella or they’re ordering pizza. This image was taken last summer at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area before the fires ignited. Hope you have a super Awesome day!

  • landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  Plants,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  seasons,  snow,  trees,  winter scenes

    Merry Christmas from Colorado

    Four Pelicans searching for breakfast at Pineridge Natural Area

    We have at least 3 inches of snow here in town while, the mountains got much more. Heavy, wet, slushy, with icy and slick roads this morning.

    Snow covered trees along Overland Trail

    It seems this savings times thingy really works. The saying goes: spring forward and fall back. Well we seem to have jumped all the way to Christmas of 2021. Sheesh!😁

    Sun trying to break through the clouds at Reservoir Ridge

    Even though I don’t like the cold anymore, it’s 28 degrees, the beauty of fresh snowfall is breathtaking. Have a great day and stay warm!

  • clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas

    I’m good with that…

    This past weekend we set record high temperatures for both Saturday and Sunday. I wore sandals both days and short sleeve shirts. 😁 People were outdoors and some even got sunburned. I spent time Sunday afternoon at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area. I took this image to show you we still have snow in the foothills from the almost two foot snow storm we had three and a half weeks ago. Sunny this morning but expecting it to cool off this afternoon and enjoy refreshing rain showers. And, you can see the grass greening up. I’m good with that.

  • gratitude,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  shadows,  snow

    Dang, it’s cold!

    Most people don’t look…
    the gaze that pierces – few have it –
    what does the gaze pierce?
    The question mark.

    Henri Cartier-Bresson

    It was -8 degrees at 6:30 am. That’s too dang cold. Wearing wool socks, two pair. Made a French press but it was cold before the first sip. And, it’s snowed. It may sound like I’m whining because I am. I also have an attitude! Our countries unrest doesn’t help the attitude. The thought crosses my mind to sell my condo and move south. Whining! So, about 9:30, after it had warmed up to -4 degrees, I headed to the natural area. Needed time in the sanctuary of nature as it’s therapy for this negative thinking I find myself in. I needed to gaze at the world around me rather than the four walls of my condo or the prison of my thinking. Found the parking area empty, fresh snow and shadows as the sun began to break through. I immediately began to feel better!

    A friend sent me a short reading that reminded me of the value of beginning our day with gratitude. I realized that sure wasn’t how I began today. So, I restarted my day with a gratitude list in my journal. Beginning to feel even better but still cold.